I was thinking that, but then there's the flip...he will be raising another generation of men to be as Vile and degrading as he is towards women. Overall he never should have been allowed to breed.
I was thinking that, but then there's the flip...he will be raising another generation of men to be as Vile and degrading as he is towards women. Overall he never should have been allowed to breed.
At least he didn’t have daughters...?
This may be true, but marijuana was illegalized to keep those jazz musicians from Uptown from coming down here and canoodling with our white wimmen.
Almost like the drug war was invented to replace Jim Crow.
I am capable of very little at the sewing machine, but I honestly dream of the day that someone will make comfortable, light, loose fitting plus sized clothing in soft, neutral colors. I’m so tired of places like Lane Bryant and Avenue thinking that everyone over a size 14 wants to Ethel Merman it all over the place,…
In an alternative universe, Phil Hartman (Troy McClure) would have probably cameo’d in this. Perfect use of gif.
If what she calls bra fat and what I call armpit fat are the same thing then fuck yes, let’s do this. Also, fucking armpit fat is such bullshit. I weigh the same as I did in high school but naked I look like a melted candle.
Whoa, it just occurred to me that Juicy Joe will be doing his time at Fort Dix...alongside Apollo Nida, onetime beloved of Ms. Phaedra Parks, Esq., of the Atlanta Southern Belles Coalition of Funereal Proprieters™ and RHOA.
I had a similar viewing experience as you. I was crying during the balloon scene. CRYING.
Oooof, I flew home for a very religious family member’s wedding and realized I had a gram of blow in the party purse I brought for the wedding. Ooops... thank god for lax security on domestic flights. Sis and I obviously did what any reasonable adults would do - all the drugs.
My husband and I rented a car in Seattle a few weeks ago and drove it to Vancouver. It wasn't until we arrived that we realized the rental company forgot to clean out a bag of weed from the car, thereby creating drug mules out of us. The woman on the phone had the gall to ask if I still had it in my possession, as if…
THANK YOU. James is unbearable. Worst of all might be how he calls EVERY female around him “sweetie” and “darlin’.” His deep-V tank tops, his Miami Vice blazers, his colossal bobble headed hairdo, his attempts at being “sober.” Everything about him makes my skin crawl.
my ex and i flew home to see her parents last year
See, I could get behind LaLa...but it REALLY icks me out that she gives James the time of day. He is so VILE—he’s like that foreign, old, moldering band aid you step on in the gym showers. Contact with him—even watching his scenes—makes me want to bleach and hyper-scrub away layers upon layers of YUCK.
Growing up in LA and now living in Boston, I REALLY miss See’s Candies...going back for a visit in May, I may end up bringing a few boxes home.
It was definitely her favorite (lemon meringue), and I didn’t cut it, but had a small taste of the meringue.
So who thought it would be a good idea to name a boat Falcon?
I was spoiled enough to get two giant easter baskets each year. One from my parents as an only child and one from one set of grandparents as the only girl grandchild.
Sorry, no. Will shoot my wad watching Moses, MOSES on the Ten Commandments night/26th. For godbag cheesiness, I stick with the classics.
I’m not religious so I had no idea what ended up happening to Jesus. That ending was a shocker!