Oh my gawd HOW DID I FORGET:
Oh my gawd HOW DID I FORGET:
Seriously, that is some peak Charleton Heston, that and The Ten Commandments. He never looked so good as when he was a sweaty, dirty Hebrew slave. It is just a fact.
Forgot to mention meteorite showers and seeing planets and things when somewhere that is dark enough. Altho I have seen a shooting stars over the freeway while driving and right over the middle of the city, too. Yay.
I have so many best nature things, most of which occurred in Belize:
I thought they were all co-parented by GR. Live & learn.
Ugh. Trying to figure out why Madonna’s kids should have to stay in her house when she is not there. What is the point of your custody time if that is the case? Let em stay with the parent who has time to spend with the kid/s. Duh.
***Starred for how terrible this story is.***
Since many sports men of many sports are now sporting the tights under their sports gear, I propose doing away with said sports gear and letting all sports men play in the now ubiquitous sports tights.
AKA “the tender middle.”
Ta-Da! Best line in that whole movie.
Gah, no, but this sounds familiar.
The book I have is not specifically Grimm’s. It is called Fifty Famous Fairy Tales. It was my mom’s from 1946.
Yah that illustration is probably them as little girl sisters, all the action takes place when they are older.
That illustration looks so familiar...
Isn’t it spelled: “Nah, I’ma stay?”