
Actual infrastructure is proven to be of benefit to pedestrians and cyclists, paint etc. has been proven to do nothing. Chevrons for bikes is proven to be even worse as drivers don’t understand them.

That’s awesome. Long live internal combustion!*

Beef can be raised ethically and in a carbon-neutral (even carbon-negative) fashion. The problem is that most people can’t afford to buy pasture-raised meat and dairy because wages have long since fallen behind inflation. As a result, large corporations have come in and riddled the industry with unethical,

One of the largest sources of methane, which is both a greenhouse gas and potentially could be used as fuel, is cow farts.

Unironically, I imagine these motorsports applications will actually provide some good research opportunities for the fuel.

As long as car collectors, V6 muscle car dudebros, Instagram influencers, car YouTubers, and Jay Leno get to keep that glorious noise, I don’t think anyone will care.

But seriously, in a world increasingly trying (and mostly unsuccessfully) transitioning to carbon-neutral, this may become revolutionary for cold weather

Yup. Just like we have a registry for sex offenders. Constitutional rights offender need to be put on a registry as well.

AuditTheAudit is a fantastic reference as it’s one of the few that seem to understand that you can know your rights without making a situation worse.

Seriously. Getting the charges dropped is great, but those cops should not only lose their jobs but be prosecuted themselves. 

Combined with a federal go-to-jail list.

Remember folks - You have a right to know if you are being detained under suspicion of a crime and WHICH crime. Simply ask - I am free to go? If the answer is not a clear “No” you need to press the question until they tell you EXACTLY why you are being detained (suspicion of a particular crime) or until they admit you

It doesn’t seem like video evidence is enough. Even if it is, there’s the adage, you can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.

We need a Federal do-not-hire list for bad cops, like the way you can be dishonorably discharged from the military.

There are NO good cops.

It’s NYC, blocking the plate number prevents red light cameras, speed cameras and toll stations from seeing the plate. That means you can drive around speeding, running red lights and using all the bridges and tunnels for free. But let’s just skip those for now and think about what happens when there are hit and run

These are the people who run lights and speed without consideration. I assure you that they are just as dangerous as the asshats in Altimas.

Riders without protective gear.

Police are the largest and most well-funded criminal organization

The cyclist pointed out that the last time he did this to the same vehicle, it had a removable emergency light and illegal tint.

What’s the over-under on this being a NYPD employee or relative of one?