RIP. Let’s give it a 21 Vape Salute
RIP. Let’s give it a 21 Vape Salute
The Torchinsky Flies...In the face of convention
I had planned to take some photos by Chicago’s Museum Campus, but the street entrance was blocked off and I couldn’t edge over to the other side of Lake Shore Drive. So I had to circle around I-55 onto I-90/I-94.
I actually rented a 2019 H-D Low Rider this year over Labor Day, and I walked away with a lot of the similar impressions. Too big for me, too heavy, and kinda brash and loud...but I kinda get why some people ride Harley’s. The easy torque was welcome, as a relatively new rider, and it just kinda sails. I liked…
Oh, there are machines involved here: the Marquez brothers. Did Skynet decide to study humanity by sending back racing Terminators?
RIP my wallet and free time
I wonder if it’s less hardware, more software? Something about home outlets not delivering a smooth rate of charge that the in-board electrics can’t handle?
These puns are re-volt-ing
Live your dream, dude. And I’m glad you’re still alive and kicking.
Thank you for sharing this story! Plaid is rad. And the notion of including something like the golf-ball shift knob b/c of a spontaneous product of passion—not planned, not calculated, just “I like this”—is very refreshing
If UAW’s taking its time, perhaps they’ve taken my mother’s words to heart: “Zrób to raz a porządnie”, which is Polish for “do it once, properly”.
I’d call this flushing money down the drain, but...
Now how do you pronounce it?
Dexterity Saving Throw: Nat 20
It also doesn’t help when people post videos of Tesla’s racing via Smart Summon:
Hyundai, you’re doing so well. Please don’t go insane quite yet. Go N-sane first, and give us more N models, please
True that. Although, it’s a statement on Norton that someone could make a working part for one of their bikes in their garage
1) I was worried when I saw the braking surface colored green. I assume that’s from the leaking coolant?