
I once was riding the subway in Toronto. A cluster of "super cool young dudes" were sharing the seating area where I rested my larger-than-average rump. They were expounding loudly and in a sniggering fashion about how gross, nasty and fat I was, in French. As this is Canada, many people here speak French. Even if

Clashes like this can be resolved perfectly simply: pistols at dawn. Name your second, Wacklemore.

I genuinely do not get why people like this song so much - I can think of dozens of other Disney songs that are far more interesting and well written. I mean, it's not exactly a *bad* song, but it's just not worth the hype to me.

I shouldn't and I feel a little shame faced: But watching HoC has lead me to have a bit of a crush on Spacey. :knock knock: indeed sir..

"Robert Pattinson reportedly does not want to be famous before."

I mean, I won't touch him. But I've never seen the appeal of the original honestly. He's not attractive to me. This kid kind of is.

Wait, where's the gif? You're being a gif tease.

Pooping after running is, like, the only enjoyable part of running.

I am training for my 4th marathon and though I have gotten good about knowing what to eat in advance of long runs, I also always know the open cafes, stores and restaurants along my routes that may allow me to pop in. It's rare that a place won't let you use their bathroom when you're in running gear and carrying

Concern trolling?

Bonus points for excellent use of tags.

I assumed I was splashing out for the broad spectrum sunglasses to avoid cataracts. not so I could avoid squinting.

For the last couple of years, my Twitter profile pic has been some variation of weird Bob Costas faces.

Yeah - it seems like what she really needed was to see a good therapist (not the guy who told her that her father emotionally abused her out of love) about her obvious self-esteem issues because there is no reason that being overweight should prevent a person from having a normal life and "putting themselves out

I'm a teacher, and once we had a staff breakfast before work, with sausages, eggs, etc.

Lunchtime came, and I was about to pop out and get something, when one of my coworkers, an immigrant from Africa, said to me. "You don't have to go out! There's lots of leftover hash brownies in the staff room."

It's amazing the

WTF ... no Victor Poon???? Come on ... it's all ball bearings these days!

I wish this had spent a bit more time addressing the comments from other black people - namely, this one: "You probably can't handle a strong black woman." I don't mean to suggest that Doyin clearly *can't* handle a strong black woman, because that would require far more details about him than I have, and I generally

Mike Harrington called him a "Tard," but then said he'd never heard of calling anyone a "Tard" before. What a fag.

I'm proud to say I practice diversity in my winoism. I mean that Sancerrely.

They'll never pry Riesling from my bony, jaundiced hands!!