
I used to work in that building! It was fun to buy a park pass on a day when the game started at 3:30 or whatever it was, and just pop in to watch a few innings at the end of the workday.

EXACTLY. I was just thinking the same thing - a dog lying in the bed or something.

What else can you put it on? A spoon that shovels itself right into your mouth, is what!

I love this comment.

I'm sure you're not the only one. Isn't that why they print the pronunciation on the package itself?!?

One could not exist without the other!

I haven't owned makeup in about 15 years, and haven't worn it in that period of time. No mascara, no foundation, nothing. The only thing I put on my face is moisturizer and chapstick.

Wait, I thought he was a marine biologist!!

I had pretty normal no-nonsense periods (thank goodness) before I got my Paragard, and that first year was a rude awakening. Standing up and sploosh, leaking through the tampon I'd put in two hours earlier. This in the days when OB Ultra either was or wasn't available, and even now is still hard to find.

Yes! And Dallas Raines.

It's fascinating to hear people's take on this here. I can't seem to be objective about Jay Porter and what he did at The Linkery, because my husband and I loved that place to pieces (even had them cater our wedding). Since we were such big fans, we just kind of went along with the whole "no tipping" experiment

Yes! A friend lent me The Host, and she's a source I trust for good reading. I was pleased. (I have not read Twilight nor have I seen the movies...just not my bag.)

I'm just going to say, if there isn't an app that tracks your poop cycle, well, there should be.

Honestly this is always how I've felt about Tweet Beats until last night. I was watching Reincarnated (Snoop Dogg's documentary)** and he was in it! And I was so excited because "it was that guy from Tweet Beat!" He is actually a real dude!

Yep, I was thinking "wear whatever the hell you want, you've got bigger fish to fry than what some lady on TV thinks you should be wearing right now."

I'm not a night shift worker, but it started out sounding good with "manage your energy" and thinking about what you do best when. But then I agree, it definitely fits a certain worklife schedule when it suggests not reading email until noon. I feel like my takeaway from this article is to figure out what you do

Oh my god that guy, right?

I am not generally a Taylor Kitsch fan, but I really dig this look!