can these still be used as an external display for your laptop?
can these still be used as an external display for your laptop?
fit my experience almost to a t with apple customer support except my issues revolved around the iphone 4s when it first came out. apple's support is some of the worst ever for people who actually know a little bit about technology especially in their stores, which for me is a one way 40 min drive.
There seems to be a bug in maps when you use your "home" location as either the start or end location. The directions do work properly, there's no voice guide, and it doesn't do the zoom start that normally happens. Instead it's like you can just flip through the directions. I thought it was broken at first until I…
how can you see me?? i'm only a dotted line!
i thought thunderport was gonna do this
so no corrosion? if thats the case im in
big disappointment if it took extra long to release minor updates
nooooooooooooooooooooo - in my lame darth vader voice
this must be why kevin bacon was digging
if facebook wants us to have all this crap fine. but let us delete the boxes we don't want and move them all we can customize what we do want. ie. i can delete that stupid twitter status ticker thing that hovers. and fix the fn chat so it tells you who is available to chat so i might actually…
is this the same ceo that was there from the start with netflix? if it was i feel like he stumbled into a fortune on pure luck because right now they seem to be showing exactly what not to do to grow your company.
i have a strange feeling facebook will implode itself within five years and after ten years no one will know what it is
can you sue apple for patenting everything in sight? that seems like some type of monopoly to me.
let alone "computed"
im very confused how this will let me watch my local sports?
when we have accessories that can actually use fast will it drain the battery?
if you want the ultimate - you've gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price
sony, get me my flyers, phillies, and sixers and i am yours. ill buy a ps3 and kiss comcast goodbye
does it work with windows too? i don't understand why you would need to buy two keyboards if your running 2 os'
that sure is a perty phone. maybe i wont get the next iphone since this baby prolly has good turn by turn.