
So what happened here? Did you rewatch the series and realize that of course Jimmy had a scheme planned from the beginning? He tries to match Hamlin's hair color for crying out loud. And he had already been served a C&D letter for using his own name. There is no way he thought he would get away with the billboard.

My favorite part of the "I cleaned them" joke is that way back in the scene when they first switch hands we see Robot Devil scrutinizing his new nails right before the camera cuts.

So after posting I decided to look around the internet to find out if anyone else was as perplexed as I was by that scene, and I came across an interesting theory.

It did kind of happen a couple of seasons ago. A scene where Frank is in his office with either Blythe or the Supreme Court Justice with Alzheimer's. Frank breaks the fourth wall and the other character clearly hears him talking to "himself" and visibly reacts. After it happens again he even asks, "What did you say?"