
NYer here who has eaten NY pizza for over 30 years: I can count on two hands the number of times I’ve actually folded my slice while eating it. I think it completely detracts from the experience and is wholly unnecessary with a well made pie. Anyone who insists it has to be eaten that way is flat out wrong - just no

You might want to double check your facts on that one...

Re: ska, if you were WAY INTO ska in 2006 (like me) then you really did think it was something that would be revived wave after wave forever. We were incredibly clueless about just how fleeting of a ‘fad’ ska ever was. I still fuckin’ love that stuff, though. No shame. 

I thought the same thing until someone said that Apple let objectively bad people use iPhones on The Morning Show. I think because it’s their show that they will bend their own rules, and what better place to do it than with the most obvious red herring ever? THAT SAID, I still won’t let him slide because I think they

I think they’re also setting up potential loopholes to keep their IP out of the public domain, not sure if it’ll work but they’ve done it before and I can’t imagine they won’t try to do it again.

This looks awesome, I’ll keep an eye out to see if I can get into the beta because I’d totally pay for cleaner news sites. 

I agree with this entire list and I truly did not expect to. Super Circuit didn’t suck but really every game has something to celebrate so I understand why it’s down there. DD and 8 are the kings and I’m glad someone had to the balls to put 64 where it belongs. 

It’s bad. My wife and I would sit on our 3DS systems all day and ignore each other. I’d bring it to work and check in on my town on bathroom breaks. It was bad. Real bad. 

I need to buy my Animal Crossing games as physical because when the day comes where I feel that shining moment of lucidity and realize I need to quit cold turkey to break the crack-like addiction of AC, I need to be able to literally pull the cartridge out of my system and drive it to Gamestop/PlayNTrade/etc.

I thought this was public knowledge? I’ve been reading that online for years and my best friend confirmed it like 10 years ago when he was working there. 

Good lord, not one but TWO other videos (actually both the same video in two locations) started playing over the YouTube clip. This site needs to get its shit together. 

Went to Scotland earlier this year and ordered one. It tasted like a cup of aspartame that someone spit their bubblegum into while simultaneously peeing in it. I wanted to like it, but couldn’t drink more than 3 sips. Literally the ONLY thing I didn’t enjoy on my week long trip through the highlands drinking Scotch.

I tell people how our indoor cameras are programmed if they’re staying over for the night or house-sitting. That’s about the extent of it, and it always feels appreciated. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: get a ceramic griddle and put it on your charcoal grill. Boom. Smashed crispy patties with a hint of charcoal smoke. You’re welcome.

I advise everybody reading this comment to go read that GQ article. Even if you’re not enjoying it, power through until you get to the helmet, you don’t want to miss that part.

Agreed! I went for clear plastic with my 11 Pro thinking it would show off the green, but I’ve hated it for the past two weeks and already ordered a leather one to replace it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Agreed! I went for clear plastic with my 11 Pro thinking it would show off the green, but I’ve hated it for the past

Love that place. My parents both worked there when they were teenagers, my grandma worked at the ski slopes, and I worked there during college summers in their modern era. That place is fucked up but holds a special place in my heart. Can’t wait to watch this!

I think you have a skewed view of the line between theft and homage...

This thing rocks! I got one a few months ago and I’m incredibly impressed with it. I have all sorts of killer sound systems at home and at work and it definitely punches above its weight. The bass boost feature doesn’t create mud - it actually pulls the bass instruments into the foreground, and as a bassist I

This thing rocks! I got one a few months ago and I’m incredibly impressed with it. I have all sorts of killer sound

You forgot the WHEEL...OF...FISH!!!