These days, almost every Chevrolet ad you see starts with a screen that says “Real people. Not actors.” and…
These days, almost every Chevrolet ad you see starts with a screen that says “Real people. Not actors.” and…
By not creating undue burdens by way of excessive regulations. Forcing people to buy a private commodity is a democrat thing.
Very good point. You are in much greater danger of someone being a bad driver in a perfectly functioning car than you are in danger of someone’s wheel falling off and causing an accident. Also, most vehicle inspections don’t even check for stuff like that anyways.
On top of that most vehicle crashes are caused by driver error not vehicle failure. Even if every vehicle were in perfect condition and never failed (yeah right good luck legislating that) you’d still have almost the exact same amount of accidents.
I already responded to this above. Your sources are old except the PA one which says in its summary that the literature is inconsistent (no repeatable findings).
“So, a few things. Design is already a colossal factor in why people buy cars. Arguably, whether buyers actually admit it or not, or are even aware of it or not, it’s the biggest factor.”
You think it’d be a democrat trying to reduce government’s influence on peoples’ lives?
There is nothing stopping you from paying your mechanic to do an annual inspection anyway.
I’m all for a vehicle being safe to operate, but the Texas Inspection is stupid. Here’s what they are supposed to look for across the state...
They could do some good, in principle. The fact that there are multiple inspection places that brag about being able to knock it out in 15 or even 10 minutes makes me wonder how diligent the inspections really are. Any Texans care to provide feedback on that?
Then take your vehicle to a certified mechanic and have it inspected religiously. Like, every six months, minimum. Do it whether or not you live in a state that requires it.
I lived in PA and hated it too. Seemed they always could find something to get you on to make more $$ with re-inspection, even on a 2 year old car it seems. Moved to NJ and it was like that until 2 years ago when they dropped it for emissions only and it’s great. No long lines at the inspection stations and unless…
I don’t believe that mandatory safety inspections make the roads that much safer.
Brutal, but also relatively stable, prosperous, and mostly secular. We should never have backed destabilizing it and sending millions of refugees pouring over Europe’s borders to reignite a tide of fascism. Lets just pull out and let Russia have this one. It can’t make things any worse.
I entirely agree about the bias toward imports. I always assumed when I bought my first car as an adult, I’d buy Japanese—I read Consumer Reports, and my family had a mix of Chevys, Fords, and Subarus, and the Subarus always seemed better. But my first car that I bought with my own money was a Ford Escort (I was kinda…
It does pay...in spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you…
So when people “accidentally” hit the wrong pedal, do they keep their foot mashed on it from the panic?
As I understand part of the reason both left was because of the artificial deadlines and need to cut corners to get the cars done quickly or ‘win’ some fake contest. I doubt very much they’d be interested in doing a competition show where those factors get magnified a dozen fold.
Pop-out windshields and interchangeable front and rear bench seats to equalize wear on the upholstery.
When you overlook just how massive a business mechanism you need to build just one car for production that doesn't cost six or more figures , it's easy for an attention seeking, armchair, wanna-be-a-business-mogul to think every failed new auto company failed because "Someone got wise to the assumed fraud being…