Get Your Horse Out of the Road

I agree. It is a little alarmist AND funny. But an EMP attack would do a lot more than take out the power grid. It would wreak havoc on anything depending on transistors - cars and trucks come to mind. Air traffic control. Communications. Computers. No more Foxtrot Alpha. By the way, what does that stand for? FA? What

It smells and it’s embarrassing. Spin it any way you like.

I bought a 2000 Town Car as a daily driver. I paid $4,000 for it. It had new tires and air bags in the back and really had been bought new by an old couple who had passed. I didn’t expect to like it all that much. The tag is $34. Insurance is $160 every 6 months. It gets 25 mpg. I love it. I set the cruise on 100 mph

Been busy and just heard about this. This was my first stop for details.

Lincoln needs this. Look at those curves.

It can’t be all that expensive. And we could up the megatonnage and number of warheads per missile. All this emotion. It’s a simple solution that avoided nuclear war for decades. Still does.

Trump speaks off the cuff almost exclusively. Kim’s ability to hold an iron grip on power is certainly somewhat astonishing. And heck, I have to grudgingly admit that Putin’s approach to the Middle East has certainly made more sense than Obama’s. As an old cold warrior it took me awhile to admit anything the Russians

Yep. We can just sink the boats and say nothing. They are ghost ships.

If you are driving cross country? You can’t stop every five minutes. I don’t stop until time for more gas. And I don’t go to a hotel either. I have made many 19 - 20 hour trips from Colorado to Mississippi - alone.

Sadly, that kind of thinking is predominant.

Exactly, small businesses are different. The best of them treat their employees like family.

Don’t buy into all this combative attitude garbage. You are doing the right thing and will be rewarded.

Declare a five mile exclusion zone around the carriers and sink any combatant ships.

The only country on that list that actually put women in combat in Israel. My understanding is that they don’t anymore. This young lady is definitely admirable and damned good looking - definitely no wookie - but this won’t make the military stronger.

I just thought. It has a rear transmission. That might actually make things easier.

What do you think of this deal? I have always wanted a 928.

Who cares about all this? Unless they really are going dirt cheap.

I loved my 325!