Recycle oil? So many people get so few opportunities to work with their hands. I think men need that. I know I do.
Recycle oil? So many people get so few opportunities to work with their hands. I think men need that. I know I do.
The Canadians bought 100 and sent them to Afghanistan some years ago. Its a good tank. Probably easier to maintain a diesel as opposed to a turbine engine but I’m not even sure if that is the case.
Don’t let these “experts” get you down. But buy a Lada next year. Maybe you’re too young to remember the cold war but I would feel like I was invading Eastern Europe in a T-34 in a Lada. Heck, I wish I had one here in the states.
Yeah. I thought about that. Takes us back to Orion I guess.
Gosh. That seems perfect. Solid fuel rockets should be much less expensive than liquid fueled as well.
Place a rocket on TOP of a C - 5 and fly a parabola to max altitude and detach at the top of the parabola. A fair sized rocket could be taken to altitude.
But what about in outer space? I can’t argue that these would be a ridiculously bad idea in the Earth’s atmosphere but to dismiss them out of hand seems luddite.
This looks like a great weapon to me. Spreading radiation from the blast would give me pause but in a life or death struggle between civilizations that would be quickly put to the side.
We need a major overhaul of our delivery vehicles.
They get old. We haven’t modernized since Reagan.
You’re a special kind of idiot. You keep pulling it out of the closet, not me. Come back and talk when you’ve done some time in the service. Until then, sorry to have hurt your sensitive feelings. Find a safe space and decompress. I could care less.
Its super cool that you feel this one issue dominates all others. Pretty pathetic place to be? Inside your mind?
Pure strategic thinking. Win, and if that is impossible, destroy the enemy beyond all recovery. The shocking thing is how much we have changed. I’m not sure who won the Cold War anymore.
Well hell, why didn’t you throw that out there in the beginning? Were you trying to trap me into something? Its just a message board. Love who you wish. I really don’t care.
I can easily agree to disagree but you keep giving me the elbow. Take it somewhere else. Your opinion doesn’t need constant repetition and doctrinaire attitudes are rarely welcome.
I really don’t need anyone’s approval for my thoughts and beliefs. That is what rubs me the wrong way. This isn’t the forum for this unless you are on some sort of mission to rub people’s noses in something. For the record, I don’t give this issue much thought. If the subject is broached I will give my opinion. Its as…
What I am is pretty much live and let live with some slight resentment at being told what to think or affirm. But I don’t like to talk endlessly about feelings nor am I alone in my attitudes about homosexuality.
A complete failure of tactics on both sides. But it isn’t really a war for territory in the traditional Western sense.
The Air Force Awakens?