
I don't fly often, but the last several times I have left my earbuds in and played music from my phone during takeoff and landing with no problem.

I've never used a "Find More Friends" feature on any site. I don't really link services together, or login with facebook. I'm not even a privacy nut, but it has never felt like a good idea to give a site access to my contacts or info from any other site. I want to manage what info goes where.

Anybody can do this work for ChaCha. I signed up a while back to see what the deal was. I saw the pay rates and never bothered. About a week ago I remembered the site and decided to try it just for the hell of it. I spent maybe an hour each day answering questions as a Vetter. The question comes up on your screen and

My comment was just a joke because when I first read the comments like a dozen people all posted the same comment saying that this already existed in baby proofing.

Regardless of what anyone else thinks, being on the opposite side of Murdoch is probably the right place to be.

I can't believe something like this didn't already exist. Maybe for child proofing or something.

At least if this gig doesn't work out he can open a discount artificial knee store.

Can I still install nude Tayne?

You're forgetting the selection of games. Plus any current model (or the model before that, or the one before that) Xbox has no RROD problem. Yes the problem happened, and it sucked, but that would be like if I gave the PSN security breach as a reason not to buy a PS3. I own both. The PS3 is a great blu-ray player

Exactly. Some people just don't prefer vegetables, but a lot of us just have more taste buds. A nice helping of roasted asparagus can taste great to a lot of people, but completely bitter and disgusting to others. I'd love to eat vegetables, but the healthiest ones almost make me gag.

I've yet to encounter anything sold by Amazon that doesn't ship free with Prime, although I don't order appliances or anything from them. I easily make up for the cost of Prime with my orders over the course of a year.

I like that people try making this kind of stuff. But even the fanciest looking fan films are too often unfortunate examples of how important acting is to a good movie.

I was really interested in the magic cop show. And I loved BSG up until the last season. But, I really wish Carnivale had finished it's planned 6 seasons (with Moore on board).

Tarsem should work as a DP/production designer (although that helmet is preposterous). The guy has yet to tell anything beyond a mediocre story. I don't hold out hope this will change that.

This makes no sense whatsoever. "You've broken the speed of pixels." No, the pixels are still not moving, there's just a bunch of them. The spot of light you're shining on the moon isn't moving. The light movement is from the laser to the moon, not the spot that moves on the moon. At any given moment, the spot is made

I can't believe I see people so regularly defend spoilers on the internet. It's not that hard to remove a hand on tv, even for a show with a lower budget than it had before. Maybe they'll do it, maybe they won't, either way, it's highly inconsiderate to post.

How much for that Touchpad?

Now playing

Uh oh! Forgot Carnivale! It's more fantasy than sci-fi, but so is Game of Thrones.

I think Mr. Asimov was thinking of you when he said, "Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"

A theater where I used to lived had one screen with this too, although I never saw it used. It's called Rear Window Captioning. []