
Yeeeeahhh... I seem to recall nobody pointing out this basic fact when Viagra hit the market in such a big way and became a big fad party drug (but before it started killing healthy young men who’d washed 6 Viagras down with vodka-and-Red-Bull & had their hearts blow out) (I seem to recall vodka & Red Bull making its

Women over 40 don’t want to have sex? Every time I hear that chestnut the only thing I think of is “with you”.

The majority of men having trouble with erections isn’t desire though. It’s physiological.

Yes and no. There are a ton of reasons for low libido (sex drive). Common ones include: you naturally have a low libido, you have stress/anxiety/mental stuff to work out, or drug interactions. These are common in men and women. Viagra doesn’t treat low libido. It treats a non-functioning penis of a guy who really

Mine has never been the same since our third child.

Well, if that’s true, then the failure to get an erection can be fixed by a therapist as well.

I have talked to doctors about different pipeline drugs like these over the years (for work) and it’s what made me vow never to visit a male OBG. Yes, there are plenty of wonderful male OBGs and lots of lousy female OBGS, BUT on the whole, the males hold some really disturbing ideas about women’s sexuality that women

Yours: before

This is disappointing to hear. A drug to treat low libido would be spectacular for me personally. Not sure if it would be possible, since presumably it’d somehow interact with all the drugs that CAUSE low libido... but yeah.

...risks outweighing the rewards.

I sex drive can be damn near nonexistent at times and I think both me and my husband would appreciate this. It can be a very frustrating existence.

I would love this.

This is a false equivalency. Viagra doesn’t provide “libido.” It gives people with the interest in having sex the mechanical ability to have sex. IE “Man, I really want to have sex, but my penis doesn’t work.” Not, I really wish I felt like having sex.

Yes, because everything is all in our pretty heads.

For some reason neither Death & Taxes, Defamer, or elsewhere are publishing that she has decried these articles. She’s also written to various fans on twitter, including myself, to further claim she wants nothing to do with the accusations.

Since I'm not American but I'm a woman, I think I'll go with the pro-feminism republican despite being very surprised and disappointed that Greg leans that way (!? are you sure?).

If Jen Kirkman gets backlash for this I will lose my shit because she is a treasure and her podcast is so great. Her recent special is wonderful and girl has been doing comedy for decades. I mean I’m sure, if this blows up, asshole Louie sycophants will go after her, and thats nothing new, but I hope we’re at a point

The perfect spiteful thing to do now is for someone to hire Tim Roth to film a new ending to that FIFA movie.

I guess John Oliver is saved the indignity of having to drink a Bud Light Lime. And liking it.

Accused of a crime he says he didn’t commit. He promptly escaped a maximum security stockade to the Los Santos underground. Today, still wanted by the government, he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire the A-Cheater.