
Or Floyd is buying him gifts to try and make-up for past mistakes. he may be trying to forgive his father. You can dislike hate someone you love and still want them to in your life/try to love them/want to believe they can change. It’s not black and white!

It also seems(from the kids twitter and what not) that floyd is trying to make up for it by showering them with wealthy gifts and such. AS if that will buy their love and make them forget.

Speaking as a former child of a physically abusive dad, they are all cowards. After I turned 16 I got big enough I could stop the abuse. I'll never forget the look on my dads face when I told him, if you lay one hand on me, I will kill you, and I may not succeed, but you will be very messed up, I promise you. He never

Star Wars 1313, anyone?

This was the pet he looked at first.


IGN didn’t post anything on the story, so it wasn’t big enough to be considered a 100%.

♪ My girlfriend's mom has got it goin' on

Its unfortunate that you are NOT the only one. But its not okay to admit for some reason. (I’m a bigger girl who mysteriously always has a more robust romantic life than my ‘normal’ size friends, much to the confusion of everyone).

LOL I feel really bad that I laughed so hard at this... cutting weed with other drugs?? Like what exactly? Since you clearly don't have any experience in this area, I'll ask: what would be smokeable at the same temperature and does not betray its presence immediately by sight or by taste? Another question: what would

Oh please expand on cutting weed down with other drugs. I am dying to hear this.

I first read it in the book "Marvel Comics: The Untold Story" (which is a great book) but it originally came from a meeting Stan had with a bunch of other comics professionals in the early 70s.

You're WRONG. Stan Lee received monies from Cadence up until the 1990s. Then with the movies, Stan gets POINTS on distribution.

Ditko doesn't want the praise, seemingly. Ditko appears to be a very odd duck in a lot of ways, based on the snippets of information that get out about him. Not to say he isn't enormously talented - he clearly is - but he clearly doesn't want more publicity.

I am in the group that thinks Jack Kirby probably did most of the heavy lifting while Stan Lee gets far too much of the credit. Meanwhile Lee gets cameos in Captain America, a character he didn't even create?

Yeah Lee hasnt made anything great in a long time.

As long as you're paying him, Stan Lee will put his name on whatever you want.

While Pharrell is in his sheltered bubble talking about being a New Black, our folks are over here being subjected to New Lynchings, New Jim Crow and now New Slavery.