He didn't just put her down? How thoughtless.
He didn't just put her down? How thoughtless.
WHO CARES. There is nothing wrong with rehoming an animal when you realize that someone else can provide better care for the animal. What is wrong is that people will chain their dogs in the backyards and neglect their aging cats because they are worried they'll be judged for rehoming the animal. I gave my pug to my…
I love Abbi and Ilana, but Hannibal makes that show for me. So good.
Yep, I hope that even if it's just kind of ok, we get a Plinkett review, I worship those reviews on my creepy shrine.
Really new Star Wars is a win-win scenario. Either it's good, which is good. Or it sucks, in which case we'll get another 70-minute Plinkett review of Star Wars which won't suck.
I am firmly in the camp that thinks the cross-guard lightsaber is way cool
I still think Gina Torres for Wonder Woman because Gina Torres, Rosario Dawson as both a feminist and comic book fans and writer. Kathryn Bigelow, coz She can shot action without redundancy and It is been a while some of us(me)'s been waiting for her to direct a female lead in pure kickassery. And Morpheus for…
As another kinja commenter schooled me today (thanks quattro!), the other big news is that if Suicide Squad, which comes out before Wonder Woman, stays true to the original comic we should have a fair shot at not only having a prominent female superhero in a movie, but a black one/non-skinny one too - Amanda Waller.
Yeah, I am very disgruntled about the New 52 origin. Or the New 52 ANYTHING, honestly. Has DC not given up on this dumbassed and universally loathed experiment yet? Have another "final" crisis, roll us back to the normal universe, and stop pretending it's the 90s all over again.
With the New 52 origin story "daughter of Zeus" instead of the more feminist "molded from clay and given life to protect and avenge abused women" origin story. So, no thanks. I'll start enjoying Wonder Woman again when she's actually Wonder Woman and not some Xena knock-off with a "humanist" agenda instead of a…
I'll always wonder why Gina Carano, a beautiful woman who actually kicks ass for a living, wasn't cast as Wonder Woman.
i really seriously wish those Terrorists/Assasins would change their
I'm not sure if you're referring to the video or Christina, but I agree. Both are amazing, perfection and glorious.
This is amazing. Perfection. Glorious.
My husband and I are expecting a daughter, and I can't wait to teach him how to French braid. My mom used to do it for me, and it kept us really close through a time when we would have grown apart. It's a great, low pressure way to set up interaction and bonding with a child... I think it's awesome your Dad did that…
My dad (not a single dad) always braided my hair. I also made him do my haircuts. He cut my mom's hair, too. It's like the greatest quality a dad can have.
My dad, a single dad that raised three girls, used to French braid our hair for school every day. The ladies loved it lol. He now does my daughter's hair when she's over at his house :)
According to the updated article, it's available starting on Thursday (not today). Or did I misread the comments?