I want this recorded in the highest possible resolution so I can savor every bit of his nasty ass Darth Vader scabbed skull as it looks down at his tiny hands in cuffs.
I want this recorded in the highest possible resolution so I can savor every bit of his nasty ass Darth Vader scabbed skull as it looks down at his tiny hands in cuffs.
That from behind shot we got earlier made his scalp look like Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back. I want video of that in 4k so I can savor the ugly.
This is my favorite of non-apology apologies.
It’s riveting. I killed it over two evenings.
I looked really hard at HSCT, so glad it’s done right by you. The treatments we’ve gotten in the last four years have been nothing short of amazing.
“Holy shit, this is why I forget things like I’m a goddam goldfish!”
Ocrelizumab. For reals. Been on it for a year and it’s done fucking amazing things for me. Plus copay assist.
PREACH. Hit me at 42. Thankfully I went to a neurologist who recognized it right away, but every other doc didn’t see it. “Too old and wrong sex” was his response. Trying to get people to understand the words are still in your head but they just don’t come out the way you’re used to. That feeling of being trapped in…
I’m divorced, partly, because my ex-wife would tell me I would forget things, sometimes minutes after I’d been told them, because her words weren’t important enough to me. When we went to therapy after my diagnosis, she refused to admit she spent years berating me over something that was not my fault.
Spinal taps also aren’t as accurate as MRI’s. Ocrelizumab has been nothing short of a cure for me.
Also this should have been Spike’s apology Best Director Oscar for “Do The Right Thing” just like Scorese got one for “The Departed” Cuarón did well enough in every other category, there’s no reason why Director didn’t go to Spike.
I got in a Facebook argument with someone (white guy) calling Spike a sore loser for trying to leave when “Green Book” won. I said Spike would have applauded any movie except “Green Book” and the entire film should never have been made, let alone nominated for Best Picture.
Gay sex scandal will surface in the next four years. Book it.
And if history is any guide, his reputation will suffer no consequences and he’ll continue to get work.
Seeing them apoplectic over being slightly dehydrated and eating a cheese sandwich was delicious.
Another Nightly Show connection! Christ so much talent on that show, still pissed it got canned.
I eagerly await his successful career in Kentucky GOP politics.
They encouraged these entitled shitheels to be combative. The lot of them are fucking scum.
Boom goes the dynamite!
This is why white christians hate evolution. They have to admit they came from Africa. I’m convinced of this.