
Yeah, that’s my gripe. The costume they gave her is just... It’s just awful and unbecoming of a space princess. 

I’m still shocked at the people who think Barry should dump Iris for Caitlin. Really? Have you looked at both those women? Please. Iris is playing a different sport than any of the other women on that show. 

I think the cast they have is great. My problem with Kori was dressing her in a reject from a 70's hooker in Times Square. Kori is a Princess FFS, she’s not going to be walking around in some shitty rabbit coat a guy sold her telling her it was chinchilla. 

It’s amazing how easy it is to be a decent human being. Kid wants to run a stand, people chip in to get him set up and give a nice giant middle finger to #permitpatty. 

So, you’re saying she’s still available? There’s a chance? 

I’d say when he met Michelle he knew she was the partner he needed to drive him to be successful and stay on top of his game. Smart men look for and want smart strong women who kick ass and take names. 

snort laugh

Whoever Michelle married was going to do well in his life and career. She’s the kind of partner smart men want: smarter than you, driven, takes no shit, loves with all her heart. You’re dead on, without Michelle we don’t get President Obama. 

And gives advice on getting away with rape. 

Also a whole batch of his gross tweets came out as a deal right around the time the first GOTG movie and Disney shrugged it off. These guys knew they were hiring the person who made “Super” and wrote “Tromeo and Juliet”. Cernovich is slime and has doubled down on worse shit than Gunn has said or written. Weird Mike

She’s amazeballs. She’s just so awesome. And, on a purely superficial level, those thighs! Droooooool.... 

That’s fucking awful. If nothing else, think of Frances. She doesn’t want the private details of her dad’s death in every paper. That guy should rot in hell. 

I’m a huge Nirvana fan and I know these conspiracy nuts are out there, I just think it’s ludacris. Kurt’s music has a deep place in my heart and while I think Courtney is a lot of things, a murderer is not one of them. Kurt pulled that trigger. No one else. He was depressed and suicidal and couldn’t find a way to live

The whole terrible situation is reminiscent of Kurt Cobain death-truthers, who still go after Courtney Love

I bet this fucker eats steak well done too. For these crimes alone, he should be impeached not promoted. 

And I’ve obviously lost the ability to do math! BTW awesome account name.

I find your ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. 

Please. Saruman went to town genociding Ents and Hobbits. Fucker was evil, but when he said he was going to kill a race, dude was efficient. He did not do this artisanal one at a time killing, he sent out hoards of Uruk Hai to kill thousands. On a good day, this dude is Radagast all fucked up on mushrooms. 

I’m watching Wild Wild Country... Is this one of the homeless people the Bhagwan brought out to Oregon and then dumped back on the street? I kinda recognize him from there.

“I made Marshawn Lynch afraid when I was pregnant with you and you have the nerve to complain about scraping all the skin off your knees falling off your skateboard? Rub some dirt in it and walk it off!”