Christ what a dumbass.
Christ what a dumbass.
One of my responses to being told “I want” followed by something that will never happen has been “Well I want Taraji P. Henson to knock on my door wearing nothing but a bathrobe, holding a winning Lotto ticket, and professing her eternal love for me, but that isn’t going to happen.”
“OOOOH! Let’s get Leslie’s Pocahontas costume from that great cheese and pickle party we had last year!”
They collectively decided that this was an awesome idea after slamming rose and eating appetizers at the local Bonefish.
^THIS RIGHT HERE. There is someone for everyone. Whatever shape, color, kink, subject, provided you’re not an asshole, you can find that someone. If you’re angry in the meantime because you don’t understand women don’t owe you shit, get a goddam Fleshlight not a firearm.
The self spray painting is what lets you know this is personal to him.
Conservatives didn’t give a shit about Chicago, including how guns flow from Gary, Indiana, until they decided to use it as an albatross to hang around Obama’s neck.
Especially when that person says “Wow, that was really wrong of me to think that. I’ve evolved as a human, and I’m sorry I said that shit because it’s wrong and I don’t believe that today.”
All of this.
After this, anyone who wants more “atonement” from Joy can fuck right off. ESPECIALLY Glenn Greenwald. Has he apologized to Reality Winner yet? Fucker doesn’t want to admit Russia fucked with us and so he sends the person presenting evidence to prison.
Who among us hasn’t “evolved” in the last 10 years? I know I certainly didn’t “get” things back then that I do now. I think Joy’s comments are genuine “I don’t remember writing that, but shit, I guess I did. I didn’t get it back then, I do now, and I’m sorry I said those things.” That’s exactly right. We, as a…
Yeah, this is what I’m seeing and it’s wrong and I’m sad. I’ve really enjoyed BGN and they had some great guests and topics on their podcasts. This just sucks.
Agreed. I see it now more of a team movie than a solo film. Also, it’s really good at being a team movie where you only know one character and you get to know everyone and see their motivation. It’s the Anti-Justice League.
This is utterly not shocking.
I think his fan base is pretty wide, he ticks off a lot of boxes for a lot of people. :)
Hell, my only (minor) gripe is that the supporting cast frequently outshines T’Challa.
The Rock cant be in every damn thing.
That might be what puts a stop to it. When it’s white people in Ohio getting drug tested for SNAP that will get Bocephous and Maynard upset.