
I have a tube in my pocket and three unopened ones in the kitchen junk drawer because you never know.

I do enjoy the Trump hate because she’s literally everything he claims he is, but really isn’t. Oprah’s fucking rich because she’s talented and a shrewd businesswoman who started off with jack shit, unlike Donnie Two Scoops who started off with a small loan from his father.

Total agreement. I think she’s getting hype because in the world of celebrity, she’s is literally everything Trump claims to be but isn’t:

Harris / Duckworth 2020.

A buck says he let’s the n-word out in public at some point in February.

Somehow we got onto this topic and I could see my 8 year-old unable to understand owning a person. “How do you own a person? You can’t own people!”

The entire family is going to be decked out with this shirt:

Said it before but my kids are more excited about this than Last Jedi. Between Civil War and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes they know all about T’Challa and are looking to see him out Batman Batman with this. Klaue using his robot arm had them almost jump out of their chairs when the trailer came up. I may have to get

Lena Dunham is one of the reason I feel like I should wear this shirt 24/7

Then I must be wearing orthotics, because I stand corrected.

The logo on the shirt is probably photoshopped in after the shoot because they’re finalizing designs.

Jesus Fucking Tap Dancing Christ on a Rubber Crutch.

Trump Casinos pled guilty to money laundering in 2016 before the election. True fact.

That is the best Christmas present you can get!

Given how iconic this scene is already, it’s crazy to think the execs didn’t think it should be in the movie. Patty Jenkins had to fight to put the heart of this movie into the movie.

His composure up to that line is perfection. He knows what’s coming and just has to keep it together before he can laugh at an objectively great joke. His performance in Blazing Saddles is just so dam good. Another reason to say “Fuck Cancer”. Gone far too soon.

What did you expect? Welcome, sonny? Make yourself at home? Marry my daughter?

Sweet Baby Jesus.

They may have been a Friend of Pecker, but were they a Friend of Carlotta?

It’s not hip hop by James Brown’s Funky Christmas get a lot of play at our house.