The force awakens is going to be a safe movie you can tell from the storm troopers to the ships . its safe. of course it will be a hit
The force awakens is going to be a safe movie you can tell from the storm troopers to the ships . its safe. of course it will be a hit
I like all the SW films. I actually like Jedi the least and I am 46 yrs old. If this new movie sucks,I hope JJ gets the bashing he will deserve.I think it will be very good though.
Ironic that as I look around and see people with blutooth, the creepy nerd has come to be real.
It was wise to cut these scenes.Sucks to be Garrick Hagon
wasnt dew shit ,was bantha poo doo
I'm not so sure if I give a rats ass about this film yet. Considering getting a little drunk first for the first viewing.
Thats fine,it just helps make the character all the more evil.