Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)

Far Cry 3 is so good of a game (gameplay wise) that once you get your first snipe rifle it'll actually be way more fun to pick off guys from a distance. I can tell you that about 80 percent of the strongholds I liberated were done with a snipe rifle... and a smile.

Still not as weird as this chick and her jiggle physics in the Rayman Origins video from E3....

I just made that photo my Facebook cover photo, for no good reason other than it looks badass.

I dunno what all you've got on there but my wife has a 120gig system and never has issues with hard drive space, nor did I when that system was mine (I upgraded to the 500gig "supercharged" version when GameStop was selling it a couple years ago).

Perfectly developed characters and story > zombie survival tropes

"More of a DLC" = appetizer until season 2 comes out. Technically yes it's in the same space but it's different content. Kind of like Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is to Far Cry 3, if you will.

I mean obviously the media and all its affiliates will have a winner (as I said, I enjoy the comments and the pics. I'm not blind to that fact). My point was that the system is still going to sell, and won't be anywhere near as colossal a flop as everyone is assuming it will be. I do think the PS4 will sell more

Here's the deal with E3, in my opinion. Microsoft did absolutely nothing wrong in their presentation (aside from the Battlefield 4 hiccup). They showed that they have exclusives coming and that they aren't afraid to bring back some classics and slap the exclusivity title on them (I was going to use Killer Instinct

Oh my lord... why does this only have one recommendation... this is probably the best pic I've seen in regards to E3

Kinda looks like he's selling hot dogs...

I'm gonna say both, though ESA started this. They didn't have to put trucks in front of them like that, it was classless and tacky. The main reason though is that the people included in E3 are doing things for consoles that are relevant (PC/Ps3/4/Xbox360/One) at this time. Ouya, for as amazing as it is, is just an

I smell a shop contest in the near future...

Final Fantasy XIII is the fastest selling game in the series (7 million since 2009) XIII-2 has sold nearly 3 million copies to date.

I think I need to stop watching Kitchen Nightmares on Hulu until 4am. That's probably the main thing.

Fantastic... Just Dance 2014. Yet another series is abandoning their sequel numbers and replacing them with the year.

Heh. After watching this video it makes me relieved to know that though I've never been to E3, I have been to numerous GameStop conferences, all of which were decorated in similar fashion and had the same amount of general hype among my coworkers.

Great tip right here, mate.

I'm curious to see if they show the Sony E3 press conference like they did with the PS4 reveal.

Saints Row 3 is coming before the end of June. Doubtful for next week but probably the week after.

I always say RTS games should stay on PC as the controls are much easier, but for a console RTS, it's not half bad.