Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)

"Worst selling game in the series"?

That's because VI doesn't need a remake, as it still is the best in the series.

Now playing

weird thing... I went to this foreign site called YouTube and typed "Square Enix Luminous Engine", and found this. Strangest thing.

Bwahahaha! Excellent!

I lol'd. Well done.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Best game in the series IMO.

Not sure how much good it will do (probably none), but I emailed them letting them know that I had been trying to get this game in my cart since 1:02 EST and I still couldn't purchase the damn game. Hopefully they amend this by sending out coupons or something like that but I hardly see them doing anything to help

Man you would think that they would have had not only enough servers to carry the traffic but also enough copies to last them an hour. I just tried to purchase one for the PS3 and I got all the way to the address part and then it said "Nope, just kidding. You suck. Deal with it."

Holy shit this is golden. Thanks for the laugh.

I said this to a bunch of friends last year that Sony "won" E3 with their presentation. Sure the Wonderbook thing was kind of lame, but all in all they did what they are best at, talking up games and generating hype. It's possible that this presentation and the year following it have made me a big time Sony fan.

This is probably going to be one of those games that I keep on my list but won't pick up until it either goes on sale or it's Christmas time. I like Capcom brawlers but not enough to drop 60 bucks on it. I learned my lesson with DMC (To clarify, I loved the game, and I beat it super quick).

Well yes, GameStop as a company has been initializing a shift from physical to digital for the better part of last year with their induction of iPhone / iPad / Tablet gaming initiative. Notwithstanding, this still does nothing for their bottom line, even if they like to think that digital content is pure profit.

Well you have to figure if the next gen consoles have restrictions on used games that will all but destroy GameStop's profit margin, yes?

Gravity Rush is (my opinion) the best game on the system. It plays great, got a really cool story, and it really utilizes the majority of the Vita's functions (sixaxis controls for steering, touch screen, rear touch screen). Uncharted: Golden Abyss is just a personal favorite as I am a huge fan of the Uncharted

I'm just wondering when Sony and Microsoft will get the hint that selling digital content for the same price as physical content really isn't working out for them. Every time I load up the PS Store I'm often amused at how they try to get you to buy their "day 1 digital" versions of games when the physical copies are

My advice to you is to try out the 17.99 version first. It's 3 months and if you don't like it then you're only out 18 bucks. I will say this though, the fact that they put Sleeping Dogs on there for absolutely free is already a bargain, and matter of fact it poops on Xbox Live (Sorry guys).

My gripe with the Vita (I've owned one since launch) is that there are simply not many quality games on the system as of right now. I'm really saddened that the majority of games that I play on the damn thing are PS1 classics. I got a platinum in both Gravity Rush and Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and after that there

Probably not, I'm sure developers have influences when they're making their games. They might not outright admit it, but I'm sure that they have played a lot of games with ideas / character models / set pieces that they really admired and wanted to incorporate that into their game somehow. It's not terribly unheard

Seriously... why do you say "What in the actual fuck"? Is it a cool thing to just not say "What the fuck?" anymore? Why use the word actual? As the picture asks, are there sometimes where there are fake fucks? I'd like to know this because hearing or reading "What in the actual fuck" makes my brain hurt.

Whoa, a picture saying the PC gamer is better than the console gamer? That's original stuff right there!