Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)

"And who are you here to listen to today?"

I honestly thought the combat was the lesser points of the game, and the reason you listed was one of them at the top of the list. I found the "open world" aspect of the game a bit unnecessary, though the inclusion of the side missions did give it a "Hey! There's something else you can do!" type of motif.

So glad you responded this way and not the insta-flame mode. Well played my friend.

Nailed it.

I'm pretty sure they do find those kinds of people, and they edit those guys out. The humor comes from the people who have no idea what the hell they're doing. The Heavy Rain video they did is a prime example of that.

Bravo sir. I disagree with a couple of your points but your post was so well worded I can't bother to trifle with you over petty grievances.

No, it cuts through plasma. You need to find the "limb cutter" in the first section of the game. That's a beast weapon.

But see, you're comparing a survival horror RE with a action shooter RE. The two are incomparable. Don't get me wrong, I loved Revelaitons (see what I did there?) on my 3DS. On the consoles though, I dunno man... I'm just not feeling it. I guess it's a lot scarier if the screen is ten inches away from your face...

The biggest problem with long running series of games is how to stay relevant during new interests in gaming. Co-op never used to be a big deal with the PS1 / Saturn / Dreamcast. Sure with FPS. fighting games and sports games, but I always remember being under the impression of "Hey, this game has co-op! Cool!" but

Not to be pedantic but Operation Raccoon City was made by Slant 6, not Capcom... but I get your point. Although, I enjoyed RE5 and RE6. I wouldn't say they're my favorite by any means (RE:1 remake and RE: 4 are my top 2) but they certainly weren't terrible games. They just weren't what Resident Evil became famous

Probably the creepiest thing in RE4 was those dogs that came at you after you exit the church. Black dogs in the dead of night and you can't see anything... pretty creepy for me. That was about it though. There was literally zero horror in RE5 and hell, when RE6 tried to "bring it back" with Leon's campaign it just

Stephen, I'm totally digging that you put your demo notes in the article. It's nice to see what actually goes through the mind of a journalist as he/she's seeing something for the first time, and not making them all pretty for the website. I hope to see more of this when E3 rolls around.

Well damn, aren't you the coolest commenter on this page!

You can file petitions from the kitchen? Well I'll be...

Square is combining Final Fantasy with Chrono Trigger. The twist? It's a new Zynga freemium game named "lulzjk"

I made a half-court shot yesterday, and then dropped the mic.

The bottom line is, and it's always been this way especially for media, you need a face to sell a game. Brick and Mortar stores like GameStop are only effective if the employees play the games themselves, and they sell it to you while you're in the store. That's the face that a consumer puts on a game; a

I quit defending Earth from Reapers to slay Dragons in Skyrim, until I took an arrow to the knee. Now I'm a wheelchair basketball coach.

It's also the reason why Conan O'Brien's "Clueless Gamer" segments are all done on the 360 version of the game.

Holy shit... WINNING.