Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)
Now playing

There is literally nothing that CoD can to do match the magnitude of this scene.

Let E3 be your decision maker. I too was underwhelmed by the presentation of Xbox One, but I'm not gonna count it out just yet. I'd like to see the exclusive titles that they're working on.

I tried that, but most of them are going for 80 bucks, whereas if the collector edition ever goes on sale, I could just pick that up and also get the game (as I've already traded it in and such)

Shane, any guesses as to when the Bioshock infinite collector edition will go on sale? I already played and beat the game, but I missed out on that pretty Songbird statue.

But again, unless you're hard up for space or needed money to buy the Wii, you probably kept your gamecube (I know I did anyway)

Holy shit, a GameStop burn? How cool and original are you?!

LOL. Nailed it.

Agreed, but two benefits to backwards compatibility are 1) You get to trade in your old console towards the new one, thus spending less money out of pocket and 2) Some gamers don't have a lot of room in their apartment/bedroom or they have other consoles and don't have space to put a whole new console on whatever

Jason came from around the corner... commence rock throwing!

Holy shit, how cool are you?!

Drunk and high in High School? You're too cool for school, bruh.

Well yeah technically you can do that with Left 4 Dead as well. I was speaking more of the survival / horror genre.

I really like the premise for this game. Kind of like a cat and mouse type game. And I guess as everyone else is saying, it's like Amnesia with multiplayer. And I suppose that's true, but I like the fact that you can control the monster. I've always wanted a game where you can control the antagonist in this genre

Funny comment and picture, but in all seriousness... how awesome would it be if he went to ND and worked on the next Uncharted game? I'd probably poop myself in excitement.

What is this "WoW" you speak of...

This is probably the greatest GIF I have ever seen in my life. I envy you.

Who is this "we'd" you speak of...

LF NFL contract, PST

Bingo. Couldn't have said it better myself.

What I've never understood about used games (and the complaints about them notwithstanding) is that they help generate revenue for companies to buy your product and sell it to consumers when it's a new product.