Locke Cole (formerly DrakeinVB)

Um, what about Respawn's SUPER AWESOME EXCLUSIVE TITLE THAT IS A SHOOTER BUT ISN'T LIKE MODERN WARFARE...well...not completely like...


Don't forget the Chicago Blackhawks...

Sick burn.

Everyone knows that the color of the Ace of Spades is Lemmy.

Wait wait, a GameStop article that isn't littered with thoughtcrime? This is doubleplusgood.

Umm, it could be photoshopped. Duh.

Damn, nice grab. Pink isn't really my color, though I guess that's why they make cases...

Moneysaver, I ask that you somehow alert me as to when a 3DS XL is on sale somewhere. In return I offer you 27 cents, a scratched off lottery ticket, and pocket lint.

SO. Call of Duty: Ghosts vs. Battlefield 4, this year.

You need to go watch some more news on it then, because the issue isn't so much that he's now gay, it's whether he's going to play a 13th season for NBA. And if he's cut (or traded), will it be a big PR move.

Well then you're not hang gliding, riding a bike on the oceanfront, laughing over wine, or any other of the fun things those herpes couples do in those commercials...

His twin brother was shocked when he was told last summer. However, he is very supportive.

I remember there being a computer game called "Porntris" and every time you cleared a line you saw a little .Gif of sexual activity. I tell you, that was a gem for me in the 80s... maybe it was the 90s... not sure.

Here's something that should help with that.


I can agree with you (unlike I guess everyone else here). The one thing that bogs down the Assassin's Creed franchise is that they're released every year. Just to let you know though, there are multiple studios that make the AC games so it's not like there is just one studio putting out a rush job to meet the

Well, that adds to my list of games I'm excited for in November.