
lol you are correct i apologize to the DQ community they also know how to look prettier than lohan too

lol yeah im sure if i was a mother i would be proud of a coke sniffing slut trying to take money from people who do things other than actors to make ends meet, they are the ones who should be in the spotlight just like the model who was paid for her likeness to be used rather than this shaven drag queen/orangutang

yes there is alot of necessity , the model who that picture is based on was paid for her work, pictures from the modelling agency she works for have been put up stating that rockstar had paid to use the models likeness and this no talent drag queen is trying to sue which will effect the company, you know those people

if this model in GTA was Lindsey Lohan it would be a crack addict
skeleton with a ginger wig, no one cares about your petty law suit you
no talent scum bag , because people caught on that you couldn't act and
your sex appeal is that of a manatee you now sue companies to get some
fame, bravo i hope your mom is proud