
@muddymoo: in the gallary where you can see little thumb nails of the pictures you have on your camera roll press the little arrow coming out of the box at the top right hand side of your screen. Then select up to 5 pictures to email. If you select over 5 it will only let you MMS and the picture/file size will

@ps61318: I almost spat soda all over my monitor reading your comment. :-)

Wild Wild West comes to mind.

@MifuneT: That thing has a big ass. :)

Wow, it took until now to publish something like this? I have been downloading tons of stuff to ibooks since it has been out practically.

@Rav Casley Gera: I watch movies and tv shows all the time on my iphone 4 and plan to do the same on my iPad 2 when I buy one. Actually that is one of the main reasons I would be buying it along with internet browsing, video calls through facetime and skype, and ebook reading.

Don't hate on Dora the Explorer, or Go Diego Go, or the Bubble Guppies!!! LOL :-)

I already don't watch TV shows when they are actually on. Most of them are on after I am already in bed asleep since I start the day extremely early. That is why God invented DVRs. Ok, well, maybe not God, but we have DVRs and I pretty much only watch what is recorded on there like 90% of the time.

I do find it acceptable. Because using my iPhone(s) have been realitively easy and enjoyable. Would I like some other things built into them, yes. I love SBSettings on my JB'd iPhone 4 and hate having to go to Settings to access some of the options you can get with SBSettings. But would I trade my iPhone, nope. I

@ɹǝʌoɹ ǝБuɐɹʇs: So I assume you don't like how the controls a car are laid out since each car is different. Or having to learn how to use a new database, or computer operating system, etc.... Each of those usually do not have the same things in the same place each time so you are forced to adapt. Not every device

Funny how I do know my friends phone numbers, at least the ones that I call the most, work, wifes cell, wifes work, my boss, my parents phone numbers by heart. Who else am I going to call in an emergency???? Sears? Walmart? My bank? I think not. But all those numbers, addresses, etc.. are in my phone. Not like

@nachobel TOTORO!: I can use this to watch some of my own shows while my daughter watches Dora or Diego or Bubble Guppies on the TV (she is 2 yrs old)

@rm_ha: Has anyone check to see if a JB iPad (1 or 2) will work on 3G if you have something installed like 3G Unrestricter or My3G? (I don't have an iPad yet so I don't know if these are available for the iPad at the moment)

I don't see what the big deal is with using the TWC App to watch some of the same channels that we are already paying for with our cable subscription.

Gotcha. Not arguing that fact. :-) Just stating that there are other locations to get news other than NYT. That was the only point I was making.

@vein11: right from Engadget's own website review of the iPad 2

@vein11: to my knowledge they were standard definition, wifi + 3G on. Apple claims about 9 or so hours with the 3G models and "up to" 10 hours for wifi. That was the original iPad. Can't remember if worded the same for the 2 or not though.