
ummmmmm, yes. I fail to see your point in asking the question?

You must be Chinese. :-)

Actually I didn't miss her point if you think about it. Her point is what, that she does not like having a cell phone because she feels like it invades her personal space/time/whatever and that it is a bother that other people can call her when she does not want them too.

Meant [] I don't actually go there but I know there was a news website with Fox in it. :-) cut me some slack. Not like I ever even went to the New York Times website. :-)

Not like TSA or whoever is going to check that out. They barely glance at the laptop, iphone 4 and iphone 3G I usually carry with me. :) That is just in my bag. Then there is my wife's laptop and iPhone 4 as well.

@kobayashimaroon: Completely agree. In this case, after reading that statement I would tell her to f**k off and go find one of her pay phones south of 23rd street.

@Zanzan42: LOL, I was waiting for someone to say that, but considering I do not really seem to have that problem with my phone, yes on AT&T, I would say that choice is still mine. Never missed a call, occationally get a dropped call here and there, but not very often.

I am going to go with that she is insane.

Why, not like they are going to know I bought it while i was there. Not really like you can identify where i bought it while I am in the airport.

Yup, jokes on the NYT. I don't even read them. Why bother when I already pay for ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc... on my Time Warner Cable service. There is,, and tons of other websites with news on it.

@my name is jonas: This is one thing I will be interested in seeing. So far the Xoom claims it will hit 10 hours but one of the reviews I read (I think Engadget's) said it only made it into the 8 hr area while playing video. The iPad 2 and Original iPad still made it into 10 hrs while playing movies.

So does this mean I can go to another country where I don't speak the language, stand in line and buy myself a wifi only 32 or 64GB model?

Great, that isn't what I understood when i bought it. I am hoping I only need it for the iphone only and no jailbreak for the iPad 2. I wasn't planning on JBing the pad at first. Get used to it and then maybe JB it later on. I just wanted to have it hooked up to the phone for internet. I guess I can still wifi

@Squalor: I look at it as I am already paying for news channels that i barely even watch on my Time Warner Cable service. Why am I going to subscribe to the New York Times?

I don't use Twitter much. I get more out of the blogs, forums (Modmyi) or Facebook. Look me up on Modmyi (scottw03).

hmmmm, strange. But yep, that is exactly what I am planning on doing with mine, WiFi only 32Gb or 64Gb iPad 2 tethered to iPhone 4 unlimited dataplan via MyWi (not sure yet about the on demand part yet for MyWi. Still deciding if I want to do that or just setup the hotspot when i want to). Funny it didn't connect.

@Armuun: I watch a lot of my movies over and over again. If I have a movie that I didn't like or only have watched once and don't plan to watch again, I regift it for my Secret Santa gift each year. :) Easy way to get rid of it.

@neilw: Exactly. The more the pump out the more money they make. Not just from the sales of the iPad but from any peripherals that they make for it, Apps, music, videos, books, etc...

@FiddlingWhileJimRomeBurns: You have to keep in mind that even though the Xoom is, I am sure, a great tablet, it isn't selling like hotcakes like the iPad 2 is. If it was and the iPad 2 wasn't then you would probably be saying the exact opposite. So what I am getting out of this is that you are impatient and

@NuevoLeon: What were you trying to use to connect the iPhone 4 with? MyWi, PDAnet, something else?