
You could remove the word company from your comments and still be correct. 

Ever seen Marc Marquez and Wolverine in the same photograph?  Just sayin’

The ride he had up to the point of that high side was all the proof you need that he has a level of focus and determination far beyond we mere mortals. I fully expected to see him back on the bike this weekend if at all possible. With a shortened season, starting the season with two races and zero points leaves

They still hadn’t yet gotten over the shock of someone approving them for credit.

Self-cancelling mass!

I don’t like the execution here on the Continental, but this gave me an idea for coupe-izing other cars. I don’t have the tools, the patience, or the skills to do it properly, so I half-assed a bunch of them in MSPaint.

Near-1000 pound bikes are understandably intimidating for new riders.

Its the rarest of unicorns, a nice price for a crack pipe. 

Now playing

A similar thing happened to The Right Reverend Horton Heat back in the 80s.

If pedestrians cannot walk across the bridge for fear of going deaf, I'd say that pedestrian protection system is working better than could be hoped for.

I noticed you didn’t quote Trump either. Why is that?

Do you think the average Trump follower parses his sentences as pedantically as you do? 

Oh cool, the “I love him because he says what he means” crowd is pivoting to “he didn’t mean what he said” now.

This warning would be much more pertinent if Lysol was a thing people could get. Might as well warn us not to snort moon dust or eat too much tyrannosaurus meat.

Now playing

Take it from me as I’ve been down the making-it-faster path and regretted it: keep it stock. I own your bike’s arch nemesis, the Kawasaki AR80 and a friend talked me into making it “faster”. I really haven’t ridden it since. I got a big bore kit but it was cheaply made and the cylinder wasn’t bored perfectly round and

Damn, flip those forks around to make a poor-man’s trailing axle would tighten up the steering something fierce. Slot in a NInja 250 twin engine and Bobs your uncle you’ll hit the Ton at least once before you die.

You’ll also have to figure in the costs of repairs from neighbors throwing rocks at your generator for making so much damn noise, and /or using it for target practice depending on your state of choice. 

Shame on the NY Times for allowing this bit of nonsense: “mistrial was declared. And Burgos, a gay man who had accused his critics of homophobia, became emboldened...”

There should be posters of that EVERYWHERE. Billboards. Mailers. Ads. Print it it on rolls of goddamn toilet paper.

“I don’t believe the President has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus.”