
It’s fun and easy to be an observer of car culture. Growing up, my dad subscribed to all of the major auto rags: Automobile, Car and Driver, Road & Track, Autoweek, etc. We went to all kinds of car shows and races. It was great.

I’m all in favor of functional aero. And I don’t hate non-funtional aero.

Does that midgate open up like a Chevy Avalanche? For serial?

Are we sure this is an automatic transmission? Based on the noises and the behavior, I would lean toward manual.

I was thinking the same thing. There seem to be tons of Tahoe/Escalade/Yukons on the street - current and last generation. Haven’t seen a Expedition/Navigator in ages that wasn’t an airport shuttle.

We are getting ready to turn in a 14 Grand Cherokee lease and looking to step up to a 7 passenger mommy wagon. This one is spicy. Me like.

Yeah. I don’t get it. An interested buyer could go out RIGHT NOW and buy a truck with comparable or better specifications.

Ever driven one of these?

Build it without a rotary.

I do not weep for the manual. Honestly, in day to day commuting, it is a nuisance. I’ve owned several cars with manual transmissions. I’ve owned a few with dogshit automatics. But the newer Autos are really great. I have two cars with the ZF 8-speed and I really enjoy driving both.

My car is German. So every bolt is a goddamn torx.

For me, this is when Toyota hit peak Camry...

The FT-1 is hot molten sexy sexy sex.

The GT-R is a cool car, no doubt. I’ve driven the base car and I still get tingly just thinking about it. It’s stupid fast, and it is beyond capable. I’ve not driven anything else like it. Stupid stupid amounts of grip and it’s haunted by a little demon that stands on your shoulder shouting “More, more, MORE!!”

I love the TT. This review was great. Really enjoyed the videos. Thanks!

The company I work for does robotic glass load cells. We use windshield and backlight. That seems to be the common nomenclature in manufacturing for North America.

the face on this thing can be a bit much, but I think it checks a lot of the marks.

Mk1 Audi TT.

i dont think it’s that bad. Sure the two cars are not the same, but if I had a deposit on a model 3 and wanted a new car sooner than 3 (probably 5) years from now I would be interested in leasing / buying something else in the mean time. It’s not a bad strategy.

That was dope.