David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.
David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.
I’ll admit it: I’m a Weird Al fan. So when I heard he was going on tour again, I thought “fuck yeah, time to nerd out!”
Then the announcement went on to say he wouldn’t be playing parodies, just deep cuts and non-parodies. I mean, what’s the fucking point!? At least they accurately named it the Ridiculously…
It is so not bullshit. It’s proof #1000 that he is singularly unfit for office, and the worst President the United States can have.
In my experience, you say, “Hey dipshit, I can puke in the restroom or I can puke by the soda fountains. At this point, I don’t give a shit anymore.” And then the 16-year-old cast member calls security and you’re banned from California Adventure.
—“The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” (Neuromancer, William Gibson-1984)
TBF, Steinberg is worthy of the admiration.
It’s white people conforming that hate black people kneeling. They just happily do what they are told to do w/o giving it a thought. Then when all of a sudden a black millionaire athlete is daring to go against the status quo, it’s quite jarring.
Same thing happened to me last week. Had something bubbling down below so I stopped at a gas station on my way to work in a not so nice neighborhood. I go in and ask for the bathroom. While I wasn’t informed it was customers only, it was strongly implied. I do my business and I get out and realize this is one of those…
yeah i wont look for another bathroom even if i have to do a #1. gimme 2 cookies boom done
I was wondering what to compare Kaepernick kneeling for the anthem to, I’m glad Joe Fitzgerald is here to let me know it’s as bad as domestic violence.
Looks like Louisville is the new front runner
I’m assuming it’s because he kept her at the place they already were, rather than taking her to another location. I don’t actually know though.
That could be true, I just don’t like walking down the path of “he had a rough life, so he’s allowed to be a violent asshole.”
If your nature is to respond to typical on-court conflict with irrational violence, you shouldn’t play contact sports. You don’t just get a pass because you had a rough childhood.
you’re gonna get a bunch of 90s trip-hop fans with your little blog about Portis head hits
There is one more significance of the octagonal shape that I didn’t see being mentioned here.
Sad to say, considering the piss-poor educational system in this country, most 5th graders probably don’t even know the US Virgin Islands exist. Heck, many of them probably don’t even know their own state capital. I had a college level geography class in 2015 where a shockingly large amount of people could not…
Not really sure what the trump campaign staffer who was murdered has to do with the rest of the content here. Are we supposed to laugh and say “hahah that’s what you get for working for trump”? Because if so, that’s pretty fucking gross. The entire story is just sad all around. It seems very out of place in this…
Trump and the President of the Virgin Islands got along so well, they spent the day together: