Scott The Robot

All in favor of making Boar Monday a thing say “Aye.”

nah I find that unlikely that they thought this was funny. More like the many many people that work for the convention center and media outlets that were there plus random security companies had someone who thought it would be funny or just like Colbert enough to let him through.

That was a fake security guy. Obv they had permission to be up there. wow. you’re why people think reality tv is real.

Not too spicy.

Let’s compare that photo with a recent photo from the Mayor of London. Diversity the one thing that scares Republican party and UKIP, they can unite on that.

I went to training this week to explain the math common core standards. It was full of teachers and I was one of only three people of color there. The other two women were in my carpool. There is something wrong with that. Students need to see people like them as teachers.

The man’s version sounds a lot more plausible. The teens most likely saw the man with a gun pointed at them, panicked, and sped off (towards the man because he was in front of the car). The man perceived his life as being in danger and reacted poorly by opening fire.

Double sided I assume. I don’t know! Don’t ask me reasonable questions!

Right? Christ, I don’t even have a beach towel, I just use a regular bath towel. Which, by the way, also don’t match because they wear out or get destroyed at different rates?

You could also use it as a weird cult identifier, like "young Jenny was cast from the fold when she appeared with a clam brand instead of the socially acceptable hot dog, it was clear she had been fraternizing with OTHERS"

No, that second one is a clit ring.

So it’s knockoff Monopoly tokens with holes dremeled through them and then stuck on unbent paper clips.

I refuse to believe that anyone actually buys this shit. I can’t accept a reality in which people affix pewter charms to their towels.

Lord, this is some nouveau riche bullshit. Regular people don’t need this and won’t buy something that’s just going to jam up the washing machine when you forget it’s on the towel.

Well, I am a Person of Color (Indian Colored, to be exact) and I agree with Colbert.

He’s 14 years old.....

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.

Another high school mean girl, soon will be whining that people are being mean to her.