Scott The Robot

Can I blame a mirror for my coke problem?

“so bad in every film”

The Big Sick doesn’t get enough love. Wonderful dramedy, with more comedy than dram. I loved that it had little to no typical over the top, no-one gives these speeches in real life BS, that are so common in dramas.

I didn’t see either film, but Beauty and the Beast also made a lot of bank but didn’t garner a mention.

If I recall correctly, Fantastic Mr. Fox doesn’t deal with the same father-son or family issues that the majority of his films employ.

If I recall correctly, Fantastic Mr. Fox doesn’t deal with the same father-son or family issues that the majority of his films employ.

Well, I had problems with The Last Jedi’s tone. Moments that should’ve held more gravitas were given such small amount of time for the audience to process the seriousness or tension of a situation, while a ham fisted joke gets added so quickly that the seriousness of the previous or cureent scene is undercut.

Have you seen Blade Runner 2049? I enjoyed it more than the original.

Elementary school playground lore tells me that Hitler had one more testical than Pam.

No love for Punky Brewster?

the most divisive film of last year that got mostly glowing reviews

Wow. I am just shocked that this maneuver has gone poorly.

Honest question: Do most European countries have something similar to SWAT law enforcement?

It’s the first Disney Star Wars movie that has a majority white cast.

Now that’s a fine booty pic.

Very true about more action oriented films apeing each other, but there were two Zodiac killer movies within 24 months of each other and two Steve Jobs movies within 36 months of each other. Can’t think of any others that are close in subject matter and release date off the top of my head though. 

I had no idea either, but it makes sense. Hollywood made two forgettable Mars movies in the same 12 months in the late 90s, the Volcano/Dante’s Inferno releases, and probably a host of others. Studios try too beat each other to get in front of the audience, hoping the other guy will crumble in pre-production or will

He apparently got fired from a Woody Allen movie recently because of his inepitude at memorizing lines. Kevin Smith pretty much hated his experience with him making Cop Out orwhatever that schlock was called.

That was a most impressive review of the OP’s comment. Bravo.

The guys at Red Letter Media, AKA Half in the Bag, weren’t in love with The Disaster Artist. They didn’t hate it, but they weren’t impressed or would recommend it.