Re: things that can ruin a career.
Re: things that can ruin a career.
Side eye?
Side eye?
I swear I see the word ‘cuck’ or a form of it ever so often on the internet, but I really don’t understand what it means outside of it being a perjorative. I’ve even skimmed a few articles or postings, but it’s still not apparent to me. Can anyone enlighten me?
The closing line about the ‘don’t mow your lawn’ article was the clincher on earning you a star.
But I like mowing my lawn.
I think I saw a Calvin decal that implied that very same idea.
Kevin Maas agrees the Yanks need to slow the hype train on rookies.
Basketball ideas aside, please consider avoiding pronouns for initial subjects in posts, and please consider re-working your thoughts to avoid run-on sentences.
Both players might be aloof?
The timeline recounted here is convoluted. I paused on the initial line about the Super Bowl loss from February 1, 2015, being “nearly three years ago.”
I read this comment four times and I still don’t understand it.
Thank you for update. Genuinely appreciated.
Should’ve gone with Val Kilmer.
That was merely a tossed bat. Granted, the bat did rotate in the air, but a true flip should happen right out the gate and be generated from the wrists.
I just watched a writer run a joke into the ground.
I appreciate how you explained things here with clear photos easy to follow steps. I need to read more of your work.
Oven roasted, bacon-wrapped Brussels sprouts with olive oil is how I learned that I like Brussels sprouts.