Scott Tenerman

Are you serious? He "tries too hard"!? Who knew that AI would be just as fucking terrible at humor as sci-fi has predicted? Or is it like when you see a child charmingly try and fail at something?

If there's one thing history has taught us, it's that the heroes have all had the proper opinions on matters; approved by their betters in government and commerce. But I do believe I will fuck off now; I have children to raise.

I'm a coward and troll, the mods should have banned me, go fuck myself.

"'had everything to do with the fact that they followed the one true God, and He blessed them accordingly'. I find nothing to be more prideful and arrogant, than believing that an all-powerful, all-knowing deity is on only your side, and blessed your group above all others"

A forfeit is a loss. You believe very strongly in your own righteousness and my own evil views, and that is the extent of your argument. You're unable to grapple with facts that lie outside what you believe already. You approach politics the way a fervent believer approaches his faith. Not a single sentence you've

Why don't you calm down and reply to some of the other comments where I cornered you in a logical box, including the list of phony hate crimes that never happened because "Breitbart"

I don't agree with the conclusions you draw, but it disgusts me that you and I considered outside the bounds of acceptable opinion. And I don't think it's unreasonable for white people to want to live in a white country. No other race would be scolded for that. Things are every bit as bad as you say, but if we, as

Oh, I see. That was poorly worded on my part. What I meant was, that there is a fringe, fringe group, a splinter if you will, of the LGBT movement that quietly advocates for adult-child sexual relationships. Not specifically FOR that, mind you, but rather indirectly: Their argument is that, in a more

I mentioned Northern Ireland in my comment, as well as several other conflicts and brewing resentments that arise from differences. Point out somewhere where it looks as if I think white people are better. Every single time someone mentions that various groups don't get along so well, they're a racist. Even though

He was a liberal for his time and age. Your philosophy would be unrecognizable to him.

No, it's a personality-type thing. I like wrestling with others' ideas, and my own.

I have no idea whether or not right-wingers or left-wingers are more apt to molest children, and neither do you. But I have only seen left-wingers (FAR left, mind you) defend it.

The Bible is silent on these matters. If I didn't believe in God, I'd probably be a white nationalist or something close to it. But I do, so I'm not. The ultimate problem with white nationalism is the same problem as with these Leftists—they believe that they're inherently better, morally and intellectually, than

Surely you can see how such a happy system is not sustainable with the open-border policies they've had these past 10-20 years.

And yet, I'm always willing to challenge my beliefs. There was an offshoot of Daily Kos called "Street Prophets" several years ago that was, as you might expect, absolutely dominated by progressives. Two of us righties were permitted to join in the fun and not get troll-rated into oblivion. I even reached Trusted

I caught wind of that site because of a story that came out of Baltimore about a year ago, shared all over social media by my brilliant millennial pals, where a woman claimed to be harassed by a Christian neighbor for rainbow-colored lights she had festooned all over her front yard. The note was an obvious forgery,

As if that has anything to do whatsoever with the truth of the individual stories themselves. As I said, I knew you wouldn't look at it. You're too much of a true believer. It's OK, we have people on the right just like you. Many comment at Breitbart.

And I didn't realize sovereign states and controlled immigration were racist. Again, you need to take this up with the Sanders campaign. He disagrees:

"An infamous site"? It doesn't say they're all fake. It merely provides links to news sites showing the ones that are.

And I'm not an MRA. Those morons are the male version of third-wave feminists. Their logic and tactics are identical. All I said was that they are a named philosophy that doesn't hide behind the lie that they don't have a set of beliefs, as the SJWs do.