Scott Sommer

For me:

Yes, I love real life where you spend 100 hours of time and effort to do a great thing in the universe only for it to get flushed down the toilet in the last ten minutes.

Forgot to add Crimson Skies

"I am so tired of *insert game genre or game series* of being milked to death."

"I'd hit that"


3 things off that both articles forgot to mention.

It's also a fact that gamers like you are selfish, stupid, and blind, but hey, your loss. I'll just enjoy it for what it is. Even if it somewhat true, and for the most part it is not, then if I think it is worthy and I buy it, then that just means I support the company an want them to make more awesome games and DLC.

U mad, bro?

RE6 will rack you up 20+ hours easy. I played Leon's compaign on normal for 7 hours. Combined with the fact that me and a friend failed a few times, first playthroughs are always a trial and error. Each campaign is about 5-7 hours long depending on the difficulty. If you are playing it on easy, of course you're going

"How do those damn seashells work anyway?"

Bungie said "conclusion to the story arc" not "The end of Halo and Master Chief." They made this specifically clear in many interviews that Halo 3 was the "conclusion to the story arc." Just how Gears 3 was also the "conclusion to the story arc."

Why do people think Americans are going to be offended by Connor killing Americans? I'm American and I am not offended. I don't care. It's just a video game. I sometimes think the media makes crap up and because a few people complained automatically means it is the "majority."

Same for me. So I played Borderlands 2 instead. I got the feeling even Xbox live couldn't handle that much bandwidth of bullshit.

The thing about this is is that people believe that just because a person held onto a Piece of Eden automatically means that they are a Templar, but the Assassins has pieces too from time to time. Who is to say that every time there was a battle The Templars started it an the Assassins defended it. Assassins could

Tell me about it. It's not "vote for the best man" it's more like "Who is going to do the less damage?"

Frank O'Conner leaves Bungie.

No, of course I am missing the point. You know when I looked at Splinter Cell Blacklist I wanted the Splinter Cell that I used to play from the first, Pandora Tomorrow, and Chaos theory. I wanted the old time slow paced stealth action that I loved so much. But as I get constantly reminded I should "accept the change"

"...all of the campaigns devolve into a dull room-clearing, door-opening, boss-fighting cycle of boredom."

LMAO. You know what is the most hilarious? You believing that bringing back the "old elements" would make the game not only scarier, but better. Who are you all trying to kid? You gamers can't even keep an attention span long enough without something being too repetitive or boring.