Scott Sommer

Here is the reality ladies and gentleman, being more sexist does not solve sexism in the work place. This is especially true here on Kotaku. You guys here, especially in the comments with the leftist ideology, are far more sexist and racist than the people you are trying to fight.

“All these sexist white men.”


I know, right? Obama never really thought ahead. Only what he thought people wanted and not what they needed for popularity sake.

Wow, just wow. Kotaku I am convinced that your entire team is comnposed of nothing, but leftist liberal cry babies that are just so pathetic and whiny you are willing to go after ANYTHING. ANYTHING to feel proud of yourselves.

“OMG, Trump Jr. and dating a fox girl. Trump likes his steak well done. Trump blah blah blag.”

It’s always this liberal bullshit. “OMG, they are white washing Japanese anime” that supposedly takes place in Europeon settings. (I.E. Attack on Titan, FMA, and some more.)

Why is whitewashing not okay, but yellow-washing and even black washing IS okay?

I don’t see any of these liberals complaining about The Wiz or the

Kill em. Just kill em all.

You already killed Naruto emotionally as character where he is a dead beat dad who is also an alcoholic. Yes, don’t kid yourself, they made him an alcoholic. Why do you think Naruto sleeps on the couch a lot? Heck, they even drew scenes of Shikamaru dragging his ass back home after a drinking

Welcome to the double standards of the liberal politically correct agenda. Is is bad if we do it, but if anyone else does it it is okay. They immediately excuse it by way of “money” “resources” or some other shit.

Here is better advice I have for people. If you can’t do it right...don’t do it at all.

A white person

So, let me get this straight....
Uncharted 4 gets a poor review from ONE GUY and one other website gives it a 4/10 saying that the game is bad, stupid, crappy graphics and the like and all the fanboys and “mainstream gamers” come out of the woodwork to defend the game saying “You need to respect the game and actually

Except he did get a a doctorate in Egyptian culture. If you played the video which is considered canon, he says this while going through the museum, but Winston wasn’t supposed to be the dumb one. He was supposed to be the one that “kept it real.” I am not talking about the stereotypical keep it real, but he was the

How about...”Turn the game off and actually play a good game with a plot that doesn;t betray the fanbase by butchering its characters simply to fullfill a self-insert sexual fantasy that anime weeaboos love all because they love the dumb chick with the big breasts who is so useless that erasing her existence wouldn’t

Except the game was not “10 years in development.” It was developed in 2 years, then rebooted, then developed for another 2 years, and then rebooted againm rinse repeat because the lead guys at 3Drealms wanted to make Duke the biggest and best. The game you got now was only 5 years in development with 2 of those years

I wonder how many liberals here would say he “deserved that money” if it was them who had to give up their money, job, and life to pay this kid.

By the way, I am sure you want to see this now. Every story is now canon. From The Dark Knight Returns to Kingdom Come. So there is no excuse anymore.

“3. Don’t Date Co-Workers”

And yet, Batman is a co-worker of Wonder Woman just as Superman is and people want her to date him.

You know what else is an Elseword story? The Dark Knight Returns and yet every single person I talk to use it as a means to prove Batman can beat Superman. You know what else is non-canon? Justice League Unlimited cartoon. Yet again I see post after post using that as a mans to say “batman and Wonder Woman forever”


They are not gonna end. Hell, Superman and Lois had WORSE break ups and they still got together in the end. I want this pairing to continue. If people want Superman and Lois, read everything else. Read All-Star Superman. Read Modern Age Superman.

I am so sick of the hypocrisy that people want Superman to change and

I thought people wanted a different take off Superman? “Superman is too boring” they said. “He needs to change” they said. Yeah, but apparently Superman being with Wonder Woman is “too much change.”

“He has to be with Lois.”

Really? -sigh- You know, this is a really pathetic day and age where apparently Superman and Wonder Woman being a thing is so as such low standard and “Wonder Woman should be treated better than a play thing,” but as soon as Supes and WW break up...everyone immediatly goes for the “Great, now she can go with Batman.”


-sigh- Again, more Superman and Wonder Women hate. Jesus, guys, you care more about the damn couples than you do the story because you feel Superman has to be with Lois. And some of you are talking like spoiled brats anyway where you say you are tired of hearing the same story over and over, but change one thing and

I would love to enjoy the games again, but now...once again...they are pushing Hinata and Hinata ONLY is these things. I don't know where they get this idea that Hinata is the most popular character in the show when she is only ranked number 11 on the list. In Japan, they couldn't care less about Hinata and thanks to