Scott Sommer

That actually could easily be adjusted in the instruments used. If you are adjusting for time, then you can also adjust for space. Like the TARDIS which Time and Relative Dimension in Space. The "computer" probably adjusts for the cosmos like how some computers adjust aiming devices or wind shears. It's quite possible

And what about the developers that were capable of doing both? Bungie, Epic. Gears of War and Halo are both great game series that has offered both a great SP experience AND a MP Experience

I think some people are missing the point.

I know a whole group of people that think like this, my friend. I go on game forums and find millions of them with such contradictory ideals. Many inhabit Kotaku in itself. You want to see hypocrite gamers? You're on a blog that houses hundreds of them.

That's not what the forum talks said and some articles on Kotaku itself said. The last article on Kotaku that talked about the ending of ME3 says that anyone who liked the EC ending were said to "Not appreciate art." Most of the haters that hated the ending to ME3 hated it because it made no sense. Not because they

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, point number 9 you said something about the ending and how it didn't make sense. I am going to make a cheep shot of this so I am expected to be flamed. So, you make a point that gamers that hate FFVII say the ending is crap and makes no sense, yet people yell at us when we said

Yeah..."We didn't start the flame. Gamers were hating on it before I left a comment."

Yeah "Famous Action Heroes."

Strictly for the "real fans?" Uhh, you know that some of the "real fans" are not really into this DLC too. Yeah it expands the universe, but it doesn't change it in anyway....which is sad considering this game was all about changing the outcomes. All the other DLC for past ME games more than just expanded the

Woah, calm down little piggy. No need to get all hysterical. I didn't say all PC games are downloads, nor did I say people don't buy hard copies, but MOST people who I know who do own a PC and play on one usually buy their games off Steam. They probably have about 95% percent of their games bought off Steam. So, yeah,

Agreed. I sometimes want to smack some of these gamers today. I remember days when consoles didn't go online or have DLC at all. When the game shipped, that was it. No extra content added later on, unless they re-released it and no online playing. These neo-gamers seems to have a heart attack if they can't play online

Yup, Micro$oft and $ony and Capcom....erm, I would replace the C with the Cent symbol, but not sure how to do that.

Yeah. You know what. Hulk, I am fucking Superman. I can fly high in the sky and am just as strong as you with even more intelligence. So listen up.

No, I have them all....sort of. Well to be technical, I am getting a new gaming PC very soon and plan to use it for far more than just gaming. I want to create videos too.

One problem is that not all games are on PC. Yeah, it's great that we have steam and such and can have access to a massive library, not every game can be accessed on the PC. Some games are only the consoles and can be both a blessing and a bummer for console gamers. The one thing I like about PC better than consoles

Try dealing with the main branch company. I had so many problems with Gamestop it is not funny. I don't mean private own franchise, I mean the parent company. They absolutely suck and even their own employees know it. I tried ordering the Gears of War 3 lancer from the main branch and I got shat on by them. I got so

Some fanboys would like a word with you. I personally just like the playing the games as they are, but I can understand why you think like that and it is a reasonable way of thinking. However, some fans won't agree because they want their system to be the better. I am reminded about past games that used to be system

You wouldn't be saying that if it was you and you lost a job because some Hollywood actor got it because he wanted it and got it because he is some big Hollywood voice actor. Even John DeMaggio voiced his opinion about it back when Gear 2 came out and said that it is a bum rap what happens to voice actors sometimes. I