Scott Slocum

Basically, the authors of the study didn’t try to find an engineered solution to human nutrition, but only examined the option that was the easiest for them to examine: a simple-minded abandonment of animal agriculture, without any engineering to compensate for the change.

It’s important to remember that, when making an argument about the problems of crop agriculture, that the same argument applies even more to animal agriculture. In other words, the plants that are grown in crop agriculture can either feed people directly, or they can be fed to animals in order to feed people

I think it’s fair to accept that the penalty for assault is less than for armed robbery.

Beth Clarkson, chief statistician for Wichita State University’s National Institute for Aviation Research, has filed an open records lawsuit in Sedgwick County District Court for access to paper records of voting, in order to examine an unexplained pattern in which the percentage of Republican votes increases

It can be depressing to be without that warm feeling that you’re the center of the universe. But on the other hand, good for you.

The “pointer” is binary; the nature of its “target” is variable.