Scott Slaughter

If you had been young and into punk/new wave in the late '70s/early '80s, you would not call the music obscure. I am intimately familiar with and was singing along to all of the music in this episode.

Agree on Cameron. There were no braless models in the male-geeks-only club of computer wizards back then. I knew before I even saw the pilot that her role was for eye-candy and, just as DDB9000 said, male-fantasy wish-fulfillment. Not that I'm complaining, really.

Yeah, I was laughing when I heard the X-Ray Spex come on. That song was already like 5 years old when that scene was supposed to have taken place. Surely Cameron should have been rocking out to much fresher, cooler stuff like DK or Clash. I guess the producers don't know about