Scott Schoenherr

I understand what you are saying. CBS historically has an older audience and seems to enjoy having that demographic, as they typically cater to that demographic. However, MOM is clearly aimed at a broader audience, perhaps tying in the nearly dead with their caretaker children. I am sure you guys in the A/V club have

Fine, I missed the point. Here we are discussing smoking pot on Roseanne on ABC 25 years ago and he acts as if the bong on CBS is another naked body. I am sorry but I am 38, his TV expectations sound like that of my 92 year old Grandma. Big deal, a bong on TV. Nowhere near as bad as a beer. I am sure it is not the

Perhaps I missed his point but have you ever smoked alone? Six hits in two minutes is nothing when you are standing in a garage that is -15 degrees like I was last night. True, it is not the norm, but that is TV. Just like when they eat dinner on TV and they don't actually eat, they just talk. They all sit on one side

Not really, I take high CBD capsules that ease the pain significantly without much of a high. So, I get through the day nice and clear headed. If I smoke, it is usually at night or when I have breakthrough pain. Marijuana works great. Way better than deadly opiates. Now, if you took one of these pills you would

This comment has nothing to do with what I posted. Perhaps you replied to the wrong person?

Is LSD safer than they let us believe? If so, I fell for it like most Americans did with marijuana. I took LSD often for about a year and a half at 18-19. At the time I thought it was great, looking back I realized how dumb it was because of the dangers. People really have flipped out mentally permanently after having

I remember hearing something in the 80's that if there was any drug use at all and it wasn't a lesson on drugs, it couldn't be shown before 9PM and if it was a movie, it got an automatic R rating for drug use, even pot. In fact, I think they were targeting pot. See, in the 80's most of us still thought there was some

Sounds like you live in Seattle. You have good weed like we do in Denver. I am a medical user and certain strains have given me a headache. Don't give up, try a different strain or edibles. Do edibles give you a headache?

How foolish. Mom is actually one of the better sitcoms these days. "Terrible" you say…. What is "terrible" is the way they portrayed being stoned on this episode. Nobody acts like those three did in the show after smoking pot. Also, 15+ year old pot that has been in a toilet and fished out and hidden away will not be