Scott Scarsdale

When does Squiggy arrive?

They could simply say the cars just refused to drive humans to their dates, thus preventing reproduction.

Tolkien and Lewis at the movies needs to be made into a TV movie, like the one about McCartney visiting John Lennon.

It's Trump's version of "3 Snaps Up".
Because tiny fingers can't snap.

Thanks, Colonel.

He's no Dolph Ziggler.

The Foonting: a redacted leaked chapter from "Order Of The Phoenix"


Has he ever prostituted himself out for cheeseburgers?

Maybe you need some of that dank Soros-kush.

Tom & Jerry meet Rosencrantz & Guildenstern

So their names are Cloak & Dagger, and they just happened to meet like a radio morning show team?

"Moving" starring Richard Pryor and, "Leonard Part 6"
Seriously AV Club, you're standard for "bad movie" is really pathetic.

Or "Jeb's Soggy Spaghetti"

It looks like Caddyshack with all the jokes surgically removed.

I nominate Jim Gaffigan for the Philip Seymour-Hoffman biopic.

…and Ron.
Sorry, Ron.

I'd to see a little less camera mugging, and piling on so many ailments on Anne was getting to be too much.

Greeney Halleck.