Scott Scarsdale

Why not write another character for her to play live action, like the Pirate Captain on Spongebob Squarepants?

Sometimes a banana is just a banana.

Including a knock off voiceover instead of anyone with a listenable voice.

Maybe a new album would do him right?

Booker T: Tell me he didn't just say that!

Definitely wasn't a mouse…I was immediately reminded of Sylvester the cat and the big mouse/baby kangaroo.

Mole. Mole. Moley moley moley.

"Soft sensuality" totally meets his Zapp Brannigan standards.

Don't forget "Return Of The Jedi".

El's lion in her cell had blood on it, evidence from her numerous nosebleeds. That gave me the feels for her.

Who will play Sammy Davis, Jr? How many Lionels will there be?

When did Logan become The King's Hand?

Yup, that was me, yelling at the TV about how they were going up the slide wrong.

An animated version of Jodorowsky's version would be very feasible.

I was hoping it was as Ghost Dog, but an Idi Amin cameo would be boss.

I hope not, but it always happened.

Has anyone else noticed the error in the song, that his rims should be classified as "relatively stationary"?

Yeah, I did the training in the early 2000s. I knew it was a sales position. I thought the guy doing the training was just opening by using kitchen knives as a simple example, that if you knew the product, you can sell it better.
I no showed the next day after they told us we had to pay for our demo set.

I sang Lola twice at karaoke, and both times, fights broke out.