scott saunders

I found this new channel Dieselpunk Industries TV on the Roku. It's pretty effing sweet. It's got hundreds of old movies, and even movie serials. It's like having Turner Classic Movies for the Roku.

Here's video from 1954 showing how Vendo vending machines were designed and manufactured. It's more interesting than you might think. Produced in 1954 it's chock full of mid-century design and influences.

My only issue with the article is the reference to Deforest as the "Father of Radio". There were so many other pioneers during those early days of broadcasting that are much more deserving of that title. Lee Deforest was first and foremost a con-man with a superiority complex, and an over inflated sense of self

According to the common story, (and we can’t blame Gizmodo, this story has a good amount of traction on the internet), the Germans developed a primitive man-rocket by strapping pulse jet engines (plural) to a soldier and saw successful tests where a soldier cleared 180 feet at a height of 50 feet. The dual pulse jet