Scott Piercy

This sort of thing was rampant in the early days of PC and video game reviews. Back in the late 90's and early 00's before the largest sites started getting “borg’d” up by media companies this was quite common.

I used to write for a series of sites that were owned at the time by Imagine Media Publishing before I

It’s probably because human beings are a little crazy.

some prepaid plans are already cheaper for 3gb of data.....not impressed.

I already pay $5 less than this for 3gb of LTE data with Walmart Family Mobile on my Nexus6, and get line discounts for the other two lines (Nexus daughters.......cheesy candybar mom).

In the area in which I live there are almost no freely available WiFi hotspots (upstate of S.C.) until that

They are just not. You're intuition is correct.

Plastic bags and other refuse plastics in the environment are bad no doubt. But what’s bad is where they often end up, like in streams and oceans. This occurs because it takes an act of god to get a landfill built, and because market forces (and physics and chemistry) make recycled goods less attractive in the

but those externalities are extracted from taxpayers....the populace...and not the industries creating them. As it currently works in this country recycling is a mismanaged, expensive, environmentally damaging waste of time and effort. We could easily do better, but people get all mired in left or right political

Recycling is as it is currently structured an expensive collosal waste of time. The subsidies that make recycling profitable are sourced from taxpayers and not the raw materials producers. Paper recycling is more damaging to the environment than cutting down trees (all most all of which used in pulp production are

A guy who heads the committee that oversees one of the nations iconic science and research agencies with less knowledge of science than the average 6th grader?

Pointing out that a retard is in charge of science in America is not a liberal statement. It is a tragic one.

which means whats really taken place is that Reddit has finally decided to grapple with an enormously difficult concept to enforce in any meaningful way. I wish them luck.

What is more naive is to forget the profit bubble created within the music industry in the last half of the last century. A correction to this is long overdue.

Paper and pulp product recycling is one of the least useful things we do as a species. In the U.S. at least it serves almost no useful purpose. Recycling of paper is a manufacturing process remember, and one that has a rather egregious carbon footprint when compared to ...simply planting trees and using them as a

Good to see an intelligently written article that focuses on the real strengths...and dangers....of GMO. It isn't so much about "frankenfood" as it is who are the gatekeepers of our food supply, and what their motivations are.

Failure rates across brands fail to capture the reality of how laptops are manufactured.

The whole premise of this article fails to take into account the fact that very few of the major brands actually manufacture their own laptops, and that those manufacturing agreements with ODM's can and do change.

this is merely grade school chem......perhaps only relevant to those who paid attention in school.

He fled to countries very unlikely to extradite him...Insofar as his leaked information, had he been truly interested in being a traitor none of this would have come to light. I admire the courage it took to make the decision he did.

Hmm.....making more in a year than the average citizen would if they lived over 1000 years. Yeah that bodes well for the future of our society and economy. They're definitely not buying a thousand more cars, or sandwiches, or pairs of pants. Such extreme wealth is obscene, but only in how meaningless such compensation

White sugar is a natural sugar. Refined to look pretty of course, but the levels of glucose and fructose found in table sugar (sucrose) are identical to that found in raw sugar cane. Plant sugars like fructose aren't particularly good for you when found in, say, juices. You won't find fructose at all in nature without

Men have been ogling women since the dawn of time....if women haven't gotten used to it by now it's never gonna happen. Much ado about nothing.