
Oh, we'll be dead in 8 months.

Whenever you imagine weee lil Tucker Max going around insulting his way to boning the campus hotties, just remember that he went to the University of Chicago*, and that he hated it so much.

You gotta remember when thinking about this ninnie- he went to the University of Chicago, where the frats were a pretty insignificant part of campus life.

Well, this would be a product liability claim. It would be helpful if there was a law against manufacturing guns in a particular way (it would make it negligent per se) but it's not necessary to prove negligence.

It probably wouldn't since his mom was a U.S. citizen. McCain was born in panama, and Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. But since they were born U.S. citizens through their parents, they're good to run for President.

I wish that little shit was the worst thing to come out of the old u of c.

You know, you're actually spot on- I haven't had to put on with that nonsense from a friend. (Thank God. It might be because I'm not successful, but what have you.)

Oh, that song is fantastic. Really, most of the album is, although Mississippi, I think, is the most powerful song on the album.

It's just too angry for my taste, and self satisfied. It's like Don't look back condensed into song form.

That live version of Ruby's Arms on Big Time is just amazing.

Love and Theft was my first Dylan Album, and it's one of my favorites of Dylan. I think it can stand up there with his best from the '60s, and is the best from his crazy old man phase. (Which I adore.)

This is fantastic. Stupid house remodeling! It can doom any marriage!

I think this might be a a product of changing times in relation to Smithers being gay. In the '90s, it was something that a lot more folks would want to keep hidden. Things have gotten a good deal better, and it's reasonable that Smithers would be more open now about hisromantic intentions.

Perhaps they were just hoping someone would shout back, "Show us your dick"?

You know it's not just that diversity matters, it's that a lot of the standard, straight white male comedy sucks a lot. Any time a creepy, former frat boy comes up on stage and starts telling creepy jokes, I just want to talk to his parents and ask, "How did this happen?"

I saw it live, too, and damn it was wonderful. The whole film was, although I think I liked Safety Last just a little bit more.

I saw this at Chicago's Music Box, on their Silent Saturday's with the live organ playing along, and I couldn't disagree more with the reviewer on the dance scene.

This story was awkward and funny enough to be on the show.

No, no!  The spectacle parts are the really fun parts of the movie!  It slows down a bit in the second half of the film, although I liked it more than the avclub reviewer.

I have shattered all of my monocles in disgust.  Come back Rabin, come back!