
Blood Sushi from a Gas Station

I had the pleasure of seeing Blood Diner at the New Beverly Theater about 12 years ago. Good times. Here's my review.…

Most Scientologists don't see the hinky stuff. Public Scientologists don't. Celebrities certainly don't. It's only staff and Sea Org that know about it and live it daily.

It's changing thanks to constant efforts. They are not getting any new celebrities involved. The young Scientologists who are celebrities are almost all born into it.

I would like a TUML movie, but better would a long series on HBO or AMC on the life of Hubbard; the story of a sociopath that tries to take over the world. It's the next Breaking Bad.

Stop with the false equivalency. The Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses have a ton of issues, (and might share some practices with Scientology) but Scientology is a special case. What other religion has a spying office? What other religion has its own gulag/prison camp? What other religion forces children into

How you can you play musical chairs if you're chained up???? Hmmmm????

The idea that he was one of the most prolific fiction writers in American history is also a lie promoted by the Church of Scientology. Most of his written works were short stories. He only wrote 19 novels. The last ten books issued under his name, the Mission Earth series, were not written by him; he wrote some of

Documented minutes from the meeting in question where he was quoted as saying it, or a version of it. Date, time and location of the meeting. Names, addresses and statements of multiple witnesses. This is better documentation of a questionable quote than you could ever possibly get in 99.9% of cases.

The Conventional Wisdom seems to indicate that he believed in the whole psuedo science aspect of it, with Dianetics, the auditing and the e-meter, but did NOT believe in the religion part of it, that was just a tax dodge, or really, a way that he could not be bankrupted (he had to declare bankruptcy after Dianetics

I would say Bush's Presidency, November 2000 through January 2009.

The "Sixties" : Beatles on Ed Sullivan through Kent State Shooting.
The "Seventies" Kent State through Reagan's election in Nov. '80.
The "Eighties" Reagan's election until Nevermind came out.
The "Nineties" Nevermind through GWB's election.

I wore Jarts. Not a lot of coverage there.

Thumbs up for your screen name.

Looks like the "haters" (count me among them) didn't take the bait and spread their vitriol far and wide, adding to the movie's publicity. Because until just now, I thought that a part three hadn't even been made. Even though I saw the first one. Maybe next time don't promote the fact that your opponents are giving

Yes, really sad because it signifies the income inequality so prevalent in our society.

He had drifted away a lot from Scientology when married to Kidman, especially while filming Eyes Wide Shut. The Clam Cult made a concerted effort around the year 2000 to get him back with extra hypnosis and brainwashing. And it worked. He divorced Kidman and within four years was jumping on Oprah's couch and


Thanks, Norm MacDonald.

With giant pyramids exploding behind him. With giant piles of grain shooting into the sky (Dr. Ben Carson, Pyramid Consultant).