
The entire point of that 99 cent initial pack price is to help start slowly acclimating the player to the idea of spending money in the game, so that later on, as the prices slowly start to increase later and later in the game, the player thinks less and less about it and it just becomes the “default” action.

Does it

Do you have a recommendation?

It’s a bit surprising to see this debate proliferating now, as human women have existed on Earth for at least five million years[.]

Pancakes are so easy to make, why bother filling your kitchen with mix? Flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, oil, milk, eggs. Vanilla and cinnamon if you want to get fancy.

If it’s ripping off a regular amount of money, it’s shitty. If it’s ripping off 3.5 million, there’s no such thing as a person who spent that kind of money on Pokemon cards who doesn’t deserve to be ripped off.

I think it’s funnier you can’t be assed to Google image search the actress to realize it’s pretty much just modelled off of her before you go off on some judgmental bullshit.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m getting tired of the idea that marginalized characters can only be written by marginalized people of the corresponding group. (I don’t think your article ventures into that territory at all, but it comes close enough to it that I figured this was excuse to try to put some vague thoughts

Not true. Words have historical contexts that shape their connotative meaning. “Cracker” has none of the (frankly despicable) historical context of systemic oppression that slurs like the n-word have. Words like the n-word were used to express white dominance over another race and culture. Words like “cracker” were

Why on every Kotaku thread about literally any game there is someone explaining how they don’t like the game in question. I don’t want to be rude but nobody cares.

This is why I can’t ever get behind Harley, no matter what they do with her. She’s a horrible, horrible person with a truly astonishing trail of bodies behind her, and I can’t be a fan of that. That they work so hard to make her “cute” and “fun” as if that makes everything else she does fine - and that it works and

There’s something perverse about pursuing so many laudable social goals while writing a comic about two unapologetic mass murderers.

No shit. It’s like the perfect clickbait. Controversial topic that they can plaster a picture of an attractive woman on. It’s still trash tabloid-quality content.

Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit

Look, I have one job on this lousy site! It’s stupid, but I’m going to do it, okay?!

The real insight is that pizza from basically anywhere other than Pizza Hut is the best option

If food stays on the floor for more than five seconds, it means your dog’s getting old.

They weren’t pushed to release it early, they set the original release date themselves, and then pushed it back almost a year. This was solely on CDPR’s management.

What’s on second.

@ObviousFanboyShill: I actually agree with this. It would be nice if the devs could put the code up for sale or something and let people run their own private servers.

It's a shame there's nowhere for old MMOs to go.