
Also, if you do it underwater, she can’t get preggers. 

Those movies engaged us - through characters, plots, and an extremely believable fantasy world where we cared - to the point of not noticing things like: Captain Solo is now General Solo just for laying in carbonite! Luke and Leia smoooched without the Force saying “ooh, yuck, no!” and there being only one brother in

It’s true. I’ve developed some deeply romantic feelings lately with my video collection.

I agree. The prequels had a better established arc. That doesn’t make them better. That doesn’t make up for the flaws in them which is almost everything else. The sequel trilogy is unnecessary and kinda odd, but at the end of the day, it’s not the garbage mess that is 1-3.

I had no idea you could cirumcise a pizza!

this obscure reference made my day, Saavik

Wait. What? Leaving kotaku. Guess I’ll check Twitter.

i agree 100%. this article didn’t say it was who to vote for. It was who to invite. You can have a good time with them, and then vote for someone else.

“Far to the left?!?!” Insanity has no place on the political spectrum. This isn’t left/right but absolute batshit anti-intellectualism. As a Clash progressive, I take umbrage PETA has anything to do with the left.

So is everything on the hated list not written by Ayn Rand. Heart of Darkness is amazing. 

Say that it isn’t, or that your vote has some impact. You could be saving the lives of millions of registered voters. 20 minutes out of your day to make a bet that has some sort of impact is worth it. All of us are affected, directly and personally, by such as issues as health care, immigration, even the level of

I disagree; the entire point of nearly every one of the films is that redemption is always possible. In the new films, they show that’s even true for a Palpatine.

At 46, I’m going to pass on the IHOP. Don’t think they’d want me. (PhD student with enough loans to finance most small countries.)

This movie could heal the nation. We might disagree on Trump, but we can all agree that it could be worse: at least when he speaks, we don’t have to see his furry nipples.

Perhaps she was trying to rescue Ian McKellen and had to go undercover?

I had to wash my hands just from *reading* your story. Really, there’s no acceptable level of bird poopage. Or any type of poop.

reflecting on the comments above yours, closer to 6 minutes.

Fun Fact 2: Exercise has never been shown to help weight loss. It can burn calories, which if you don’t replenish them, could lead to weight loss, but when you exercise you also get hungrier. If you starve yourself with an exercise regiment (which so many people do), when you end starving yourself, you’ll just put on

I swear in the video he mentions a list of his favorites; then I spent 40 minutes trying to find it, but ended up reading an old blog, which was just as interesting.

This is just brilliant.